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  1. #11
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    Way back when I used to drink lots of gin, I liked a Tom Collins. It's a nice long drink for sitting out on the deck on a summer day. You can buy collins mix or make your own.
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  2. #12
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    Another vote for gin & tonic!

    Isn't there a line from My Fair Lady about gin being "like mother's milk to her"? Without the "h" of course
    Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].

  3. #13
    NewPiperinNY is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fougasse View Post
    Gin and Tonic, with lime and Scweppes, or martini are my favourite methods of engagement with Lady Gin, though Rex has tweeked my interest and it is Friday!

    what sort of gin is it? Personally I prefer Bombay Sapphire with my G & T and Plymouth London Dry for a martini. they're quite different.
    'tis indeed Bombay Sapphire...

    Quote Originally Posted by Macman View Post
    Way back when I used to drink lots of gin, I liked a Tom Collins. It's a nice long drink for sitting out on the deck on a summer day. You can buy collins mix or make your own.
    Tom Collins mix brings me back... my father letting me drink the Tom Collins Mix while he drinking the 'adult version' ... I had no idea a Tom Collins was gin... for the past 20 years for me has been beer... with a whiskey sour or 2 thrown every so often.

  4. #14
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    Bombay Sapphire is a queen amongst gins and a great way to acquire the taste. It's a bit too aromatic for a classic martini, in my opinion.
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  5. #15
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    Martini: pour dry vermouth over ice in shaker, shake to coat the ice, pour out vermouth, add gin, stir with a spoon, strain into gladd

    For gin and tonic, Fever Tree tonic water is where my money goes.

    I'm a big fan of gin. The possibilitites are really endless. Goes well with good lemonade and home made ginger ale too.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex_Tremende View Post
    The other day I was introduced to a new gin cocktail that I am totally enamored with for the summer. It was called a gin Collins, but it was more like the experience of a gin mojito. Besides the gin , it included basil and lemon infused simple syrup and club soda. VERY refreshing.

    That sounds a little like the Basil Gimlets I enjoy in the summertime

    Basil Gimlet

    2 oz. Gin (I prefer Tanqueray but Beefeater is fine)
    1/2-1 oz simple syrup (to taste)
    6 large basil leaves
    juice of one lime

    Shake all ingredients with ice, let sit 20 seconds, and then strain into a cocktail glass

    Garnish with a small basil leaf


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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex_Tremende View Post
    I drink my gin and tonics with a very small drop of Angostura bitters and occasionally a splash of sweetened lime juice too. The bitters totally transforms the taste of the gin and has the surprising effect of making it palatable for people who think they don't like gin. I never use it with the best gins, however, because their complex and refined flavors need to be enjoyed on their own.

    The other day I was introduced to a new gin cocktail that I am totally enamored with for the summer. It was called a gin Collins, but it was more like the experience of a gin mojito. Besides the gin , it included basil and lemon infused simple syrup and club soda. VERY refreshing.


    I LOVE Angustura bitters!!! I used to drink club soda with a fair amount of bitters and a squeeze of fresh lime. Here are some gin-based drinks with bitters (including a Singapore Sling). I love the idea of the gin mojito. The original Tom Collins was made with gin.
    Animo non astutia

  8. #18
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    Hendricks gin is another of my favorites. Add a thin slice of cucumber to the glass when making a martini with it and it becomes an EXTREMELY refreshing drink. It also has the added perk of being distilled in Scotland.

  9. #19
    NewPiperinNY is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    OK -- I walked up to the supermarket at lunch... I purchased

    1) 3 limes
    2) 1 liter of Canada Dry Collins Mixer
    3) 1 liter if Canada Dry Tonic Water (w/quinine)
    4) $5 quick pick Mega Millions
    5) 2 Kooky Pens for my darling little 5 year old daughter who deserves so much more .....

    A couple questions... and going to ask them without fear of sounding stupid .. because I wear a kilt and fear NOTHING!

    Does all the mixer need is gin to be a Tom Collins? Do I need to make either the tonic water or mixer cold? What is quinine? Did I forget anything?

    **** and now I am a samurai?!?!?!?! Whoa...
    Last edited by NewPiperinNY; 24th April 09 at 10:34 AM.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewPiperinNY View Post
    OK -- I walked up to the supermarket at lunch... I purchased

    1) 3 limes
    2) 1 liter of Canada Dry Collins Mixer
    3) 1 liter if Canada Dry Tonic Water (w/quinine)
    4) $5 quick pick Mega Millions
    5) 2 Kooky Pens for my darling little 5 year old daughter who deserves so much more .....

    A couple questions... and going to ask them without fear of sounding stupid .. because I wear a kilt and fear NOTHING!

    Does all the mixer is gin to be a Tom Collins? Do I need to make either the tonic water or mixer cold? What is quinine? Did I forget anything?

    **** and now I am a samurai?!?!?!?! Whoa...
    Making the mixers cold will reduce ice meltage. It'll also help keep it from fizzing up like crazy when you pour it over the ice.

    Quinine is....well I have no idea where it actually comes from, but it's fairly bitter and used to be (still may be) used as malaria medicine.

    Welcome to the wonderful world of gin!

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