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  1. #11
    Join Date
    23rd August 08
    Displaced 3rd generation Californian now residing in the "old" State of Jefferson, USA
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    I currently hang my kilt using the Wizard's two hanger method (my great kilt is folded and hung on a wooden hanger.) When I travel I roll the kilt and use one of my wife's stockings to keep it tightly rolled.
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  2. #12
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    That's how I store mine, based on this same article.
    I use a large, tupperware style container I got from "Storables," and put a couple cedar blocks in them.

    I always thought that's how most people stored their wool kilts...I take no one has had pleat issues with the hanger method?

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    I have several kilt hangers of various designs as well as several pairs of the two-hanger type that my kilts are all hanging on, and all my kilt jackets as well as my winter wool regular dress coats are all in plastic hanging garment bags with either cedar blocks or lavendar scent dispensers (actually supposed to work as well as cedar without the strong smell, as long as you like lavendar smell). Keep my hose and caps and all in a sealable plastic storage container with a few cedar blocks too. I have some extra closet space in a spare bedroom that is my "kilt storage and collection" facility to please my wife, who does not like seeing it every day in our regular walkin closet off the master bath.

    I can really recomend the lavendar dispensers (look kinda like moth ball holders but the smell is much more pleasant than either mothballs or cedar).

  4. #14
    Colonel MacNeal is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForresterModern View Post
    I have several kilt hangers of various designs as well as several pairs of the two-hanger type that my kilts are all hanging on, and all my kilt jackets as well as my winter wool regular dress coats are all in plastic hanging garment bags with either cedar blocks or lavendar scent dispensers (actually supposed to work as well as cedar without the strong smell, as long as you like lavendar smell). Keep my hose and caps and all in a sealable plastic storage container with a few cedar blocks too. I have some extra closet space in a spare bedroom that is my "kilt storage and collection" facility to please my wife, who does not like seeing it every day in our regular walkin closet off the master bath.

    I can really recomend the lavendar dispensers (look kinda like moth ball holders but the smell is much more pleasant than either mothballs or cedar).
    I rather like the smell of cedar, as long as it isn't overpowering.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel MacNeal View Post
    I rather like the smell of cedar, as long as it isn't overpowering.
    I agree, but it has to be overpowering enough for the moths to stay away without making those around you think you work in a cedar sawmill. Fine line.

  6. #16
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    I used to keep mine on hangers, until I bought one to Mr. MacDonald for some work... he had a few words to say about using skirt hangers from Ikea...

    I just recently moved all of mine to a big sealed plastic bin with the rest of my gear. I was having issues with the middle pleats being a bit messed up from hanging. After rolling them up, the problem is gone. Also makes them more compact, and easier to store.

    I also prefer the scent of cedar to both lavender, and mothballs. More manly to boot!

  7. #17
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    How 'tightly' do you roll it?

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    I have a "kilter" kilt roll. Which I use for travelling and have even left it stored in their for quite a while with absolutely no adverse effect. I will have to take Mr MacDonald's advice for future storing. Me mum doesn't think a kilt should be rolled but rather hung. Ithink that probably the best place to hang it is on your waist

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