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  1. #11
    Join Date
    26th February 08
    Ottawa, Canada
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    Stillwater seems to have a nice Wool product...

    The website doesn't say what the standard length of their kilts is... Should I assume 24" ?

    Also, how is the torso-at-navel measurement used? I've heard that waist, girth and length are the principal concerns; so, this is somewhat novel.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    27th January 05
    Jefferson, Georgia, USA
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    All of Jerry's adult kilts are 24". I'm about 5'10" tall with a 30" in seam, so basically long torso and short legs, and the 24" kilt fits me just fine to have the selvage hit at about the top of the knee. Unless you are shorter or taller than average, the 24" length should be doable though it may ride higher than you are used to.

    On most guys the kilt will sit right around the navel, maybe an inch above or below but measuring there will get you close to the kilt size you need. The kilts have about 4" of adjustment.

    Being an off the peg kilt, there may be a bit more room around the hips of a Stillwater, or a bit less, depending on how you are built. If you find the kilt is too tight in the hips, Jerry is great about exchanges, just don't remove the basting stitches until you are certain you will keep the kilt.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Ottawa, Canada
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    24" is perfect. I share your general proportions, viz. long torso & short legs, but I'm rather sturdily built as well; so, your advice about not taking out the basting stitches too early is well taken! Thanks!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    7th April 09
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    I ordered from HoS (heritage of scotland) 5 weeks ago, they charged my card right away, but still awaiting my order. don't know how nice the stuff will be, but I doubt I would ever order from them again. The one item, out of seven, that is delaying the order is one that they advertised on the home page as a new item (tie clip). Three requests for when the stuff will ship, is answered by "soon......."

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