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  1. #11
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    If anyone has sex with a Richard Nixon Face mask on, can I have your phone number please.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    May I offer an observation from one who has been a long time member of this board?

    Some topics turn toxic no matter what the intention of the original post or poster was, with those topics, based on past experiences, it is just best to shut them down before it turns extremely ugly. It can suck but as you've seen with other topics, we humans like to stick our feet in our mouth's all the time and sadly there are times when the brutal broad hammer approach is better than a surgical weeding of inappropriate discussion.


  3. #13
    BEEDEE's Avatar
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    Colonel MacNeal - your earlier post was closed because it clearly did not meet the requirements of the rule on weapons:
    Our Policy on Weapons Discussions
    The only discussion allowed about any type of weapons will be those concerning weapons traditionally and/or historically associated with Highland attire and/or the Scottish regiments.

    Posts containing any reference to any other form or type of weapon will be deleted, without exception.
    Your asking members what weapons they used has nothing whatsoever to do with traditional or historical interest. This post is being closed because it serves no further purpose. If you have a problem with a thread on sexuality, there is a process to report it to the moderating staff.


    In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.

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