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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by McMurdo View Post
    I've worn a kilt to a few funerals, I've had nothing but compliments. In fact the last funeral I went to was for a co workers wife. I wore something similar to the photo, the family thanked my for wearing it. She was born in Glasgow and so her family were happy to see the kilt. Nobody thought it was out of place.

    Thanks for the insight there. My kilt's colours are the exact same and it's a similar tartan. I'd be wearing the same - only with a pure black Argyll jacket and waistcoat.
    Great outfit by the way!

  2. #12
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    The kilt is my clan tartan, one of them anyway. I've found that jacket and waistcoat has been the most versatile that I own and looks perfect in almost any setting.

  3. #13
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    JMHO here!

    It is JMHO, but I think MacMurdo is right on! At least a jacket, Argyll, and tie, if not a waistcoat as well!

    In the near distant future, hopefully more near than distant, I hope to offer people options, just like the way the guys have shown here with their ten looks one tartan.

    It varies, I am sure, but people hire a piper not just for the piping, but for the look that comes with it. Not so much at a funeral as at a wedding but still. Give the people you pipe for the options. The more options you offer, hopefully the more people you will work for!

    I think, as long as you are properly attired, and better understated than overstated, you are good to go!

  4. #14
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    The tartan doesn't matter. Just because it's a funeral doesn't mean it has to be dark. I typically wear a Dress Gordon kilt to piping functions - including funerals.

  5. #15
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    If a man only has one kilt, regardless of the colour, it's the only one he can wear. The colour of his kilt would never matter - the polish, or lack of polish, on his shoes would.



  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dall_Piobaire View Post
    It is JMHO, but I think MacMurdo is right on! At least a jacket, Argyll, and tie, if not a waistcoat as well!

    In the near distant future, hopefully more near than distant, I hope to offer people options, just like the way the guys have shown here with their ten looks one tartan.
    At the moment, I don't have the Argyl but I have been looking into doing some of the jacket conversions that have been mentioned here on XMTS.

    If I were doing this for hire, instead of as a gift to friends and family, I'd have a better wardrobe. I fully agree with you about hiring not only for the tune but for the looks which is why I am trying to give the best look I can with what I have.

  7. #17
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    It's all good

    It's the spirit of the thing, and the nature of your gift that matters most! You do what you are able to do, it's your intent that is of the most importance!

    My sympathies on your loss!

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dall_Piobaire View Post
    It's the spirit of the thing, and the nature of your gift that matters most! You do what you are able to do, it's your intent that is of the most importance!

    My sympathies on your loss!
    I agree completely with what Scott says. I'll add this to it, though: In my opinion, a white shirt with a black or navy blue tie would look a bit "dressier" than a black shirt with no tie, and, to me, would complement the white in your kilt. Navy, dark green, black or white hose would look good, too, with flashes in one of the other colors. As far as I know, there's nothing that says a 'piper or mourner must wear all dark colors, although that has been the tradition. My grandmother left instructions for us to wear bright colors to her funeral, and I hope in 80 more years folks will wear them to mine!

    I applaud you for giving of your talents to commemorate the lives of those you've lost. May they be few and far between.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  9. #19
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    Brilliant,well said dbh!

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by piperdbh View Post
    I agree completely with what Scott says. I'll add this to it, though: In my opinion, a white shirt with a black or navy blue tie would look a bit "dressier" than a black shirt with no tie, and, to me, would complement the white in your kilt. Navy, dark green, black or white hose would look good, too, with flashes in one of the other colors.
    Just picked up navy flashers a while back, haven't even matched them to the BW yet, but I figure they'll be close. I'll do the white dress shirt and tie from time to time. I know that neckties are part of a 'dress look' but I've never been fond of the look.

    I've bought a few pairs of green hose, but all of them have come out much lighter than the kilt and I never liked how they matched up, but I might go hunting again.

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