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Thread: La fée verte

  1. #11
    Join Date
    23rd March 09
    Kamloops BC
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cynthia View Post
    We even have an absinthe fountain, glasses, and spoons.
    We lack the fountain.

    I've tried a number of the ones available here in Canada, but my favourite is Okanagan Spirits' "Taboo." It comes from just down the road -- now that I think of it, I need to see if they're still making it!

    I use "Taikoo" brand organic sugar in the spoon -- it comes in a wafer shaped like the traditional ones, instead of a cube. It may contribute an additional taste to the drink, but it's very subtle if so. It dissolves slowly instead of just going to mush and slumping into the glass.

    Nothing beats sitting on the verandah high up over the North Thompson River at "l'heure vert," enjoying an absinthe or two while the Sun finishes going down behind the ridge above the house.

    That floral taste isn't for everyone, and many days it's not for me, but when I want it...

    Dr. Charles A. Hays
    The Kilted Perfesser
    Laird in Residence, Blathering-at-the-Lectern

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    I have tried several different brands. I REALLY REALLY like licorice, so I enjoy it, but the bitterness can have a bite! I find that drinking enough numbs the tastebuds quite a bit. As far as the thujones being such a big deal, at this point I don't believe it. I chalk the "Absintheism" stories from the turn of the last century up to the same PR firm that sold the US on the notion that smoking cannabis once will turn our youth into sex-crazed jazz musicians.
    The best story I heard while tracking down real absinthe is that in the Book of Revelation, it says a burning star called 'wormwood' will fall from the sky and poison a portion of the water...and the Ukranian name for wormwood is Chernobyl!
    Great story, but as it turns out, no doubt untrue.
    Don't hesitate to enjoy an evening with the green fairy!

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