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Thread: Doublets

  1. #11
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    Thanks for all of the advice and photos!

    I know the Sheriffmuir is normally worn with a 7 button waistcoat. Could it also be worn with a lower fastening waistcoat and black bow tie for black tie purposes as well or if you were to wear it in black tie situations would you still wear the jabot and 7 button waistcoat?

  2. #12
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    My current formal jacket is a black Argyle and I find that sufficiently versitile for most events I attend, including black tie.

    However, I've always told myself that if I ever decided to invest in a more formal doublet, it would be a Sherrifmuir. Why?

    Well, like my black Argyle, I think it is one of the more versitile options. Unlike the Montrose or the Kenmore, you wear the Sherrifmuir with a waistcoat. This allows for options. Do you wear a waistcoat to match the doublet? In tartan to match the kilt? Or in another contrasting color? So it's possible to own one doublet but collect a few different waistcoats to create different looks.

    I like versatility. A lot of people attend the same formal events on an annual basis (Burns Suppers, Tartan Balls, etc) and changing out things like waistcoats, hose, sporran, etc., allows you to have different looks from year to year without investing in a whole new outfit.

    One other advantage of the Sherrifmuir is that it is open at the stomach, allowing for a bit of growth through the middle down the years.... :-)

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by thescot View Post
    The real advantage of the Sherrifmuir is that it is pretty forgiving around the middle. You can expand your horizons and still wear it.
    Quote Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome View Post
    One other advantage of the Sherrifmuir is that it is open at the stomach, allowing for a bit of growth through the middle down the years.... :-)
    I'm glad this subject came up, as I am also contemplating a doublet. The above statements make me lean toward the Sherrifmuir, although I do like the look of the Montrose.
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  4. #14
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    sheriffmuir with lower waistcoat?

    I think the lower waistcoat would just look funny. The Sheriffmuir doublet is going to close almost exactly where your tie is and the 3 button waistcoat isn't going to change that. I know you recognize that, but what I think you end up with is your doublet button or hook closure sitting right on top of your tie knot. I think it would look like one of those dresses ladies sometimes wear that have a high neck, but a low neckline, i.e. a peek-a-boo affair. However, I am willing to stand corrected. I suspect Panache ( or someone) has the wardrobe pieces to pose for a quick mock-up. Let's see. I would be interested to see what happens to a sheriffmuir that isn't fastened at all.

    If you like the look of a ruche tie, you MIGHT be able to wear THAT with a sheriffmuir and a lower waistcoat.
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  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by raibeart_dubh View Post
    Thanks for all of the advice and photos!

    I know the Sheriffmuir is normally worn with a 7 button waistcoat. Could it also be worn with a lower fastening waistcoat and black bow tie for black tie purposes as well or if you were to wear it in black tie situations would you still wear the jabot and 7 button waistcoat?
    No problem at all with wearing a black tie with the Sherriffmuir. I am not cleaver enough to get a picture here from their website,but google "Highland Clans" they have a first class picture there.

  6. #16
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    OK, but....

    Quote Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome View Post
    My current formal jacket is a black Argyle and I find that sufficiently versitile for most events I attend, including black tie.

    However, I've always told myself that if I ever decided to invest in a more formal doublet, it would be a Sherrifmuir. Why?

    Well, like my black Argyle, I think it is one of the more versitile options. Unlike the Montrose or the Kenmore, you wear the Sherrifmuir with a waistcoat. This allows for options. Do you wear a waistcoat to match the doublet? In tartan to match the kilt? Or in another contrasting color? So it's possible to own one doublet but collect a few different waistcoats to create different looks.

    I like versatility. A lot of people attend the same formal events on an annual basis (Burns Suppers, Tartan Balls, etc) and changing out things like waistcoats, hose, sporran, etc., allows you to have different looks from year to year without investing in a whole new outfit.

    One other advantage of the Sherrifmuir is that it is open at the stomach, allowing for a bit of growth through the middle down the years.... :-)
    The same could be said of a regulation doublet, however, correct? You could wear it with a white waistcoat, black or tartan waistcoat, or a contrasting color waiscoat such as perhaps a deep red one for the holidays...depending of course on the colors of your kilt. OK...I'll admit...I'm biased because I REALLY REALLY REALLY like the look of a regulation doublet...reminds me of my Army Mess jacket...and I'm not particularly fond of the jabot look personally....so I'll stick with a bowtie.
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhuntr74 View Post
    The same could be said of a regulation doublet, however, correct? You could wear it with a white waistcoat, black or tartan waistcoat, or a contrasting color waiscoat such as perhaps a deep red one for the holidays...depending of course on the colors of your kilt. OK...I'll admit...I'm biased because I REALLY REALLY REALLY like the look of a regulation doublet...reminds me of my Army Mess jacket...and I'm not particularly fond of the jabot look personally....so I'll stick with a bowtie.
    I wear my Regulation Doublet with white tie, and have never hesitated to wear it for black tie (especially if the invitation says "decorations"), and have worn it with coloured waistcoats as a bit of whimsy to other events. I've also seen it worn with a bib (seven button waistcoat) and jabot and it didn't look at all bad.

    I'd say go for it.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    No problem at all with wearing a black tie with the Sherriffmuir. I am not cleaver enough to get a picture here from their website,but google "Highland Clans" they have a first class picture there.

    Thanks for the info on that picture. That does look quite good! I had envisioned it working in my head but wanted to be sure it was actually acceptable. It's always nice to get multiple uses out of one jacket. I really want a doublet for white tie but it would be nice if it would also work for black tie. Something a little more formal than my Argyle, and I don't like the way PC's look on me.
    Last edited by raibeart_dubh; 4th November 09 at 06:34 AM.

  9. #19
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    Is the Sherriffmuir left open in that case?
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
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  10. #20
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    This photograph shows a red velvet Sheriffmuir doublet worn with a three-button waistcoat, made in a matching tartan to the kilt. I don't think it looks odd, at all. It's being worn with a lace jabot.

    Of course, the Sheriffmuir is more commonly worn with a higher waistcoat. I don't think that makes it any less formal in this instance.

    Here is an image from Highland Clans that shows it with a five button tartan waistcoat and bow tie.

    This image shows it worn with a five button tartan waistcoat and neck tie (note the wing collar shirt).

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