4th November 09, 09:45 AM
Thank you for the apology, Brice. It's not necessary to post it publicly as we had this discussion on PM, but I take my hat off to you for doing so.
One SMALL favor... stop calling me 'Mr. Roeger'. Mr. Roeger is my DAD. I'm just Rocky. 
As far as I'm concerned, this is water under the bridge and I hold no personal 'ill will' toward you.
4th November 09, 10:43 AM
Kudos to the both of you!.
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
– Robert Louis Stevenson
4th November 09, 11:01 AM
 Originally Posted by RockyR
Thank you for the apology, Brice. It's not necessary to post it publicly as we had this discussion on PM, but I take my hat off to you for doing so.
One SMALL favor... stop calling me 'Mr. Roeger'. Mr. Roeger is my DAD. I'm just Rocky.
As far as I'm concerned, this is water under the bridge and I hold no personal 'ill will' toward you.
When I went home last night I did not feel like I was completely honest. Being COMPLETELY honest is (I hope) part of me, part of my belief in God, and MAJOR premise of this forum. My conscience kept telling me I needed to do more. As my first post was public, I felt it was necessary to apologize the same way. For my sake, and no one elses, I NEEDED to make sure that everyone knew the way I really thought and what I was really trying to say. Everyone also needed to know I was doing this for ME and not for any other reason or any other person (hence the explanation in the first paragraph). I knew that you knew of my apology. I just wanted to make sure everyone that read my original post knew of it as well. I am going to keep this thread alive until more people have read this one than read my first one (more than 444).
4th November 09, 01:12 PM
 Originally Posted by peacekeeper83
Kudos to the both of you!.
Mostly to USAK. He could have handled it much differently.
4th November 09, 01:24 PM
 Originally Posted by bricekolob
snip... As my first post was public, I felt it was necessary to apologize the same way...snip
That's what my father taught me -
"The amends belongs in the same arena as the offense."
You both prove yourselves to be gentlemen in my book.
4th November 09, 01:39 PM
Good for you. I read the original thread and noticed that your overall tone "sounded" worse than what you meant to say. Way to man up.
I did something worse one time right here.
I maligned a good provider because I confused him with another provider with a similar name who had taken a whole year to ship something to me.
But I did go back a apologize like you did, and that's a good thing. It really made me think about what I was writing, and I'm glad to see a good man owning up and correcting a problem he's created. If more people would do that, we'd all be better off.
Jim Killman
Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.
4th November 09, 04:14 PM
 Originally Posted by thescot
Good for you. I read the original thread and noticed that your overall tone "sounded" worse than what you meant to say.
Thank you for recognizing that. I really did have the best of intentions. Unfortunately, when they are in a written form, they can be perceived in many different ways. I really appreciate you saying that.
4th November 09, 06:11 PM
 Originally Posted by bricekolob
To All,
I did not intentionally try to mislead any of you. My intent for the thread was to show the awesome customer service of USA Kilts. I realize now that I focused too much on the negative.
If your original intention was to show the excellent customer service of USAK then where your words failed the public interaction between yourself and Rocky showed just that. By continuing to have his reputation continually laid bare on the the table for all to see, all the while keeping an open dialog to solve the problem shows that he put his customer before his reputation. Brice you could have ended this by just asking Panache to delete your original thread, you didn't. You took the high road by apologizing to Rocky for any any bad feelings. I tip my hat to both of you gentlemen, The two of you just personified why this is such a great forum.
4th November 09, 06:23 PM
Good on you sir. I read the first post, and did not misinterpret it. I did, however, have to re-read parts of it to figure out what you meant. Then it was like, Oh, OK. But everyone might not have had the time I did that night.
Here's one more on your way to 445???
4th November 09, 06:32 PM
 Originally Posted by Ozark Ridge Rider
Good on you sir. I read the first post, and did not misinterpret it. I did, however, have to re-read parts of it to figure out what you meant. Then it was like, Oh, OK. But everyone might not have had the time I did that night.
Here's one more on your way to 445???
Yes! Thank you. Maybe we can get even a little more than that.
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