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  1. #11
    NorCalPiper is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Its so ghetto......I LOVE IT!

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacLowlife View Post
    I believe there are at least four competing schools of thought on Louis Vuitton:
    1) Louis WHO?
    2 )Any "signature" fabric is inherently in poor taste
    3) If it doesn't come from the factory, it is a fake
    4) Using it is OK, so long as you are poking fun at the idea of it

    and, oh yeah,

    5) It is inherently cool.

    Without getting too philosophical here, the whole idea of LV stuff being cool was that it was very well made, expensive because of its quality, and therefore prestigious. If you skip any of those steps, i.e., make something with their fabric, but not their authorization or supervision, you are missing out on the important parts. A medical school diploma doesn't make you capable of practicing medicine- a medical school EDUCATION does.

    However, for many people, the use of vast amounts of a trademark image, like as car upholstery, is just fun, regardless of how silly it is, or how far it departs from the original basis for the trademark. If you are going to make it for yourself and then wear it as a joke, it might be a lot of fun. If you are going to attempt to wear it "seriously", i.e., expecting it to confer prestige on you, you may as well give up. The people who will admire you for it will either be people who place value on the wrong things ( snob appeal of mass market status symbols), or people who can't tell a fake from the real thing.

    LVMH ( Louis Vuitton Moet Hennesy) owns several whisky distilleries and you would think they might enjoy the cross-promotional benefits of making articles of highland dress, but I don't think they are doing that. If you were to make up a design and send it to them, they might consider it, but I doubt it.

    But, to answer your question, LV and Prada started out as luggage makers, just as Gucci and Hermes were harness makers. There is nothing inherently feminine about their larger pieces, which include steamer trunks and large suitcases. I think they had an ad a couple of years ago featuring Mikhail Gorbachev with one of their ( non- "signature" fabric) briefcases. So, it is a piece of luggage, not a handbag.

    Very well put. If I had ended up making it wouldn't be something I wore to a burns night supper or anything of the like, I would most likely wear it out to the pub for fun. As with the kilt it self it would be an interesting conversation piece. As far as quality goes I would require it to be of good quality and stitching, the LV fabric face would be stitched to a piece of leather so I wouldn't really be worried about it wearing out from carrying things in the sporran.

    All in all I love the fact that I can bring any of my crazy ideas here and get honest responses.

  3. #13
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    LV Sporran meets Alan Cumming tartan suit

    If, by some chance, you have a Thompson Camel kilt, or better yet, a Thompson Camel kilt suit, similar to the one worn by Mr Cumming over at Traditional Highland Dress, and a pair of those Timberland boots with Signature fabric inserts, then you might really have something.

    Once or twice I have seen garments made of patched-together Crown Royal bags. It is not a look for everybody, but it is a definite look. When you see somebody wearing it, you know they are ready for a good time. I put the head -to-toe Burberry, the All Over Polo Ponies, and the Logos Bigger Than Your Head look all in the same category.
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacLowlife View Post
    If, by some chance, you have a Thompson Camel kilt, or better yet, a Thompson Camel kilt suit, similar to the one worn by Mr Cumming over at Traditional Highland Dress, and a pair of those Timberland boots with Signature fabric inserts, then you might really have something.

    Once or twice I have seen garments made of patched-together Crown Royal bags. It is not a look for everybody, but it is a definite look. When you see somebody wearing it, you know they are ready for a good time. I put the head -to-toe Burberry, the All Over Polo Ponies, and the Logos Bigger Than Your Head look all in the same category.
    It's funny you mention the Crown Royal bags, I was thinking of making one into a coin purse to carry in my sporran so I don't have any coins floating around.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacLowlife View Post
    IWithout getting too philosophical here, the whole idea of LV stuff being cool was that it was very well made, expensive because of its quality, and therefore prestigious. If you skip any of those steps, i.e., make something with their fabric, but not their authorization or supervision, you are missing out on the important parts. A medical school diploma doesn't make you capable of practicing medicine- a medical school EDUCATION does.

    I think they had an ad a couple of years ago featuring Mikhail Gorbachev with one of their ( non- "signature" fabric) briefcases. So, it is a piece of luggage, not a handbag.
    LOL! I used to have a knock-off that I used as my medical bag when I was in school. Must be downstairs somewhere.

    Quote Originally Posted by MacLowlife View Post
    Once or twice I have seen garments made of patched-together Crown Royal bags.
    One of the nurses I'm working with tonight is making a quilt with hers. Small world . . .

    Back to the original point of the thread, I just don't see it looking right, but that's just my opinion.

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  6. #16
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    I think it would look smashing....................................with a Burberry Tartan kilt!!
    By Choice, not by Birth

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
    Ok, but what part doesn't sound right?
    Probably the ethical part, but then that's just me.
    Last edited by MacMillan of Rathdown; 29th November 09 at 08:37 PM.

  8. #18
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    ...I didn't even think of the "party" option ...must've lost my funny bone, being too serious again. In that context, you gotta do it! (tho as a "serious" item, I'm still of my formerly posted opinion )

    A buddy of mine drinks Crown, I'll be making that sporran suggestion ...

  9. #19
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    I think you should give it a go! It's not for me, I've never understood the attraction to LV bags, but if you like it then what's the harm? show us some pics if you make something up!

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by csbdr View Post
    I think you should give it a go! It's not for me, I've never understood the attraction to LV bags, but if you like it then what's the harm? show us some pics if you make something up!
    I don't really get the attraction of LV bags either. In my area theres a lot of women/girls with LV bags, or at least knock offs. would be funny to see the reaction when someone notices.

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