Reminds me of certain Indian troops in British India who wore Bombay bloomers, hose-tops and bare feet with chaplis.
My dad used to talk about tabis. He wore them when he was in Burma with British SOE Force 136 after his penetration group captured a small Japanese supply-dump. He liberated a pair for himself, which he preferred to his knee-length British canvas jungle boots. He found the separate big toe concept really useful.
The first time I ever saw a pair was in a shoe-shop in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia in 1995 when I was looking for a pair of canvas or suede boots for hiking on the local HASH. They had 2 types of tabis, short and high. They were black canvas, rubber soled and fastened up the back with metal fixings. I sent a pair to my Dad in Scotland to make him go all nostalgic !
Last edited by Lachlan09; 30th December 09 at 05:01 AM.
I'm in the embrace sandals for what they are camp. Unless your legs are cold, and then aren't your feet too?? I see no reason to cover the lower leg when I wear sandals with a kilt; which I do in summer as well.