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  1. #11
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    I agree with Glen and MoR. Rent it this year. Then go ahead and place your stress free order with Hector Russell.
    [I][B]Nearly all men can stand adversity. If you really want to test a man’s character,
    Give him power.[/B][/I] - [I]Abraham Lincoln[/I]

  2. #12
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    Here is how some of the world's top pipers dressed to attend a black tie event in Scotland recently:

    Note that Gordon Walker, always a step up in style, has a unique sporran, red laces and buckles on his ghillies, and is the only piper not wearing a PC.

  3. #13
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    Yesterday, while on a top-down run with the Shennandoah ValleyBritish Car Club, I popped into a local JC Penny's to get a pair of really warm gloves. In the menswear department they were having a sale on corduroy jackets. For $39 one could by a navy blue jacket and for about the same again have it professionally cut down to kilt length.

    Just a thought.

  4. #14
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    Here is how some of the world's top pipers dressed to attend a black tie event in Scotland recently:

    Note that Gordon Walker, always a step up in style, has a unique sporran, red laces and buckles on his ghillies, and is the only piper not wearing a PC.
    And I notice not a one of them is wearing a belt!

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown View Post
    Yesterday, while on a top-down run with the Shennandoah ValleyBritish Car Club
    To completely hijack my own thread: Wow, now that is dedication. I have run a convertible with the top down in 45-50 degree weather; yesterday it hit about 30-35. Does the Morgan have heat? That works?

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by svc40bt View Post
    To completely hijack my own thread: Wow, now that is dedication. I have run a convertible with the top down in 45-50 degree weather; yesterday it hit about 30-35. Does the Morgan have heat? That works?
    MoR was probably dressed in Scotland-spec wool. Only his fingers were cold.

    A colleague asked me one night in December whether I were cold (it was plus-or-minus 1 degree Celsius). I was wearing about 10 pounds of wool, counting the ankle-length greatcoat, the tank, the waistcoat and jacket, the hose and the puir fellow asking was wearing blue jeans.
    Ken Sallenger - apprentice kiltmaker, journeyman curmudgeon,
    gainfully unemployed systems programmer

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by svc40bt View Post
    To completely hijack my own thread: Wow, now that is dedication. I have run a convertible with the top down in 45-50 degree weather; yesterday it hit about 30-35. Does the Morgan have heat? That works?
    It was 31 degrees when I pulled the car out of the garage at 11:45 AM, and 26 degrees when I parked up at 5:15PM. The only heat was that coming in through the firewall from the engine compartment as I always disconnect and drain the heater in the dead of winter to prevent it freezing and bursting its heat exchanger. Normally I'd have taken one of my closed cars, but as there was a free pint on offer to anyone who ran with the top down, let alone without a top at all...

    I'd describe the ride as cold, but far from uncomfortable as I was pretty much dressed for the outing, with the exception of the heavy gloves which I had neglected to toss in the car the night before. The real trick is to find a speed where you aren't risking hypothermia due to the speed of the car. I would imagine that the wind-chill factor at 70 mph is a whole lot worse than it is at 45 mph when the actual temperature is hovering in the 30s.

    But back to the topic-- have you considered the converted corduroy coat as a possible solution to your dilemma? Unless your Burns Supper is a black tie event, and few of them are, a dark green or navy or black corduroy jacket would work just fine for day wear or dressier evening evens. With or without the leather buttons!

  8. #18
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    I am still considering several options. Waiting on a reply from Hector Russell on the availability of the Argyle in bottle green. Looked at a couple of Targets; they had a peak lapel black velvet blazer before Christmas, now on clearance, but no luck on my size. Haven't made it anywhere else yet. If I don't find anything by Wed I will probably call in a rental.

    Photos from last year's event showed the X Markers in attendance in black tie, though others in the photos were dressed somewhat more casually.

  9. #19
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    SVC, I'd sure try to find one of those Target jackets. It might take some doing, but you might be able to call the dozens of Targe stores within an hour's ride of you. Chopping it off is the work of a moment. Doing it right takes a little more than an hour, but either one will net you much more admiration than the warehouse Eton. You MIGHT look in at a couple of local formal wear shops for a used wool short jacket- don't pay more than $45, cause you can get one on eBay ( I know- maybe not in time ). Be warned. People will want to touch you in velvet. Are you prepared?
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

  10. #20
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    I don't know your size, so can't be more specific, but eBay has 39 velvet blazers listed under $50. Moleskin is another alternative and MoR's corduroy can be fairly dressy in the right color/ wale / button setup.
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

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