16th January 10, 01:20 PM
Good for Sandra! Wells Fargo has made a rather... generous (please note sarcasm) donation as well. From their website:
Wells Fargo Pledges $100,000 to Aid Disaster Relief Efforts in Haiti
SAN FRANCISCO — January 13, 2010
To help victims of the earthquake in Haiti, Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) said today it is contributing $100,000 to the American Red Cross disaster relief fund to assist with recovery efforts.
“On behalf of all our 280,000 team members I want to express our sympathy for the victims and their families of this major earthquake,” said Wells Fargo’s Chairman and CEO John Stumpf. “We have a substantial number of team members and customers in Florida and throughout the East Coast with families in Haiti. As Haiti continues to assess the damage from this horrifying disaster, we want to do what we can to support relief efforts.”
280k team members- if they were privately donate a dollar each- and who wouldn't?- they would give more than the entire organization! How pathetic. I had the same idea as you, Allen. My moms church may very well organize a mission to Haiti. I may make my first trip to the equator if that happens.
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.
17th January 10, 12:27 PM
Our St. Andrew's Society is planning to hold an auction to raise funds for a local organization, Convoy of Hope, in their efforts to bring much-needed supplies to Haiti. We are currently looking for a donation of a desirable item or two to auction off on this Saturday night.
17th January 10, 03:00 PM
I have two close friends in Haiti. One runs an elementary school serving 400 children, many of whom haven't the funds to pay regularly. He is fine apparently, but the school partially collapsed. The other started a solar salt evaporation enterprise with a village near the sea - the only salt produced in Haiti. He was in the Dominican Republic buying supplies when the earth quaked. http://www.amurt.net/
17th January 10, 07:05 PM
Here's a link to an organization that I've been involved with for 25 years or so.
Every dollar given goes to aid the people of Haiti (there are no paid employees) and you can designate that you want your contribution to go to earthquake relief.
The webmaster of this site was in Haiti before the 'quake hit, and was able to help coordinate some of the supplies already there before he came back home yesterday.
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about the organization.
When given a choice, most people will choose.
17th January 10, 04:16 AM
I should not be surprised at the generosity of people, from wherever they come, when appalling suffering occurs somewhere in the world. Nevertheless, I am immensely proud of the kindness of the members of Xmarks.
17th January 10, 10:43 AM
For myself, the disaster in Haiti has a face. One of my employees is from Haiti. He was there and returned the day before the earthquake hit. All he knows so far is that his sister was killed. He has not heard from any other family members. We have started our own collection to help him and any surviving family/neighbors etc. All he has asked for is our prayers.
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