I don't ever really need a reason to raise a pint, But this deserves it int: Nice job Lassies
Well done! Thanks, Jock, for letting us know about this.
I am about to raise a glass as I write. Well done to them and very worthy causes. They wouldn't be any relations would they?
Here, Here !! Well Done !!
"'Tis far better to keep one's mouth closed and seem the fool; than to open it, thereby removing all doubt." Anon. Member - Order of the Dandelion
Originally Posted by Phil I am about to raise a glass as I write. Well done to them and very worthy causes. They wouldn't be any relations would they? I think that I am allowed, and delighted, to say that one of them is going to be a future daughter in law.
Good news Jock and I hope we get to see some photos of the wedding in due course.
Well done indeed
Well done! and for a worthy cause(s)! int: Could this be the start of a kilted skydiving team?
"When I wear my Kilt, God looks down with pride and the Devil looks up with envy." --Unknown Proud Chief of Clan Bacon. You know you want some!
Well done! To the lassies!
"Touch not the cat bot a glove."
Well done to the lassies! It takes a bit of courage to jump out of an airplane flying high in the sky. One of them looks a lot like I young woman I dated in college. I know its not her but I sure had to do a double-take when I saw "her" in the photo.
Virginia Commissioner, Elliot Clan Society, USA Adjutant, 1745 Appin Stewart Regiment Scottish-American Military Society US Marine (1970-1999)
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