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  1. #11
    Join Date
    2nd March 10
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    I actually clicked on the Kiltie section because of that name!

    I ended up with a pair of Wolverine loggers, they look great, I'll post some pictures soon.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    9th September 09
    Soup-erior, CO
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    Awesome link...my Red Wings are thrashed and I've been scoping new boots for a while.

    Get as much leather up the leg as you figure you need to protect your shins against splinters, hot metal, sharp or airborne rocks, stuff like that. I think my RWs are 8", haven't worn them with my kilt yet (and might not, hmmm...), they've lasted more than a decade of thorough abuse, but if I'm not doing something actively abusive with them, I don't lace them up all the way--nobody notices, in jeans--sooooo...my suggestion is go to a local shop that sells work boots and try on a few pairs to see how comfortable they are at different heights, and sort out the feel of them as well as how you figure it'll look with your kilt. When I say "feel" I mean comfort in the sole as well as height of the boot...in this price range, you're buying a lot of functionality as well as a good looking leather boot, and I bet you'll find (like my venerable Red Wings) that you wear them much more often than when you're doing the activity for which they were originally purchased (surveying in a high-latitude, subtropical rainforest).


  3. #13
    Join Date
    10th April 08
    Lewiston, Idaho
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    I wear my black motorcycle boots. Just give them a bit of polish if they need it. Go look up boots on the Harley Davidson webpage.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    7th December 09
    Lancaster, PA
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    I usually wear my 6" or 8" black work boots with any of my kilts, depending on the weather conditions (unless of course it is a more formal event). My wife said the boots combined with slouched hose definately give off a "yeah, I'm wearing a skirt, but do not mess with me" vibe.
    "You'll find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." -Obi Wan Kenobi

  5. #15
    Join Date
    3rd March 10
    43*N 88*W
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    Hard for me NOT to recommend Doc Marten's. They've been my 'go to' boot for the past 20yrs.

    If you can, find the classic 8 eye boot with the VDM/DMC ('lined') sole. They'll take a nice polish if you wanna go parade style, but look great all nice and abused as well. The street sole is nicer looking than the 'hiking' sole, so it's a bit easier to dress them up/down, without having to deal with the clunky sole.

    If you can find the right size, they wear great and are really comfortable as well.

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