I don't know how many of you get the emails from Scottish Tourism announcing their various activities and promotions but I got one today title "Value For Money".

It points out that the exchange rate between the American and Canadian Dollars and the GBP is very much in the favor of the Dollars and that makes a trip to the "old country" a great deal right now. Been to the UK twice before but it was mostly business and never got out of London. I remember that the exchange rate was pretty good at that time and that certainly took a bit of the edge off the trip.

Lord knows, I would drop everything and go but it just isn't in the cards right now and I just thought that I'd look for a little commiseration here on the forum.

This being the Season of St. Patrick's, they're running every TV special about Ireland that they have on PBS this week and they must have run out of shows about Ireland yesterday evening because they ran the Rick Steves show on Scotland. I very carefully sat my wife down to watch it in hopes that it would inspire her to want to do a trip...she got an eyeful watching Monarch Of The Glen, so that planted the seed...this was just my trying to fan the flames a bit.

So I'm tryin', guys...I'll get over there sooner or later no matter what the exchange rate is. Keep a good thought. I'm willing to bet that there are a lot of North American Xmarksers who are in the same boat.
