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  1. #11
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    O'Callaghan, yes, it is surprising that someone so fit could have a heart attack, but it can happen to anyone. In my case it was a family history. And, the number one risk factor for any disease is a family history. We can't choose our parents. Anyway, the doc said that all my exercise probably saved my life, as the collateral circulation around the heart was very good.

    Anyway, since I was in good physical shape and if I do well in August, I should be able to return to full activity in September. Of course, I'll have to start out slow and rebuild.

    Life is good!!

  2. #12
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    So glad to hear you pulled through!!

    Well now...what kind of rollerskis? V2? Old school wide wheels, new school skinnies with air core? Skate, or classic?

    Here's to getting back on the horse, so to speak...or perhaps that's "back on the skis!"


  3. #13
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    Wildrover, funny that you should know the different types of roller skis. I honestly thought no one on this forum would have a clue (sorry, guys). Anyway, my skis are Prusuit. For the money, the best out there.

    I can be back on my bike in 4 weeks, but the doc din't mention the roller skis. I'll have to check into it.

    Thanks for the encouragement!

  4. #14
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    About the 12th of July, a very good friend of ours had a heart attack. She was flown from Estes Park to Loveland. The Drs put in 3 stents and less than 3 weeks later she was putting on an art show in Estes Park. That show was 2 weeks ago. She looked great but VERY tired which I can understand. Don't push yourself that much. Her partner was there and was keeping a VERY close eye on her, well, so were all of her friends that showed up and doing that for the same reason. Everything went well but you never know. Keep your Dr happy and take care.
    Greg Livingston
    Clan MacLea (Livingstone)

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    It's not often I encounter people who cross-country ski, much less they who keep summer training equipment around the house. If Colorado didn't lean so far toward concrete--as opposed to asphalt--sidewalks and bike paths, I'd be out daily...but the long routes on asphalt are about two hours from me. When I moved to the Midwest and found the Rails to Trails network, I invested in some good mid-resistant skate rollers for my old V2 skis, and would head out daily for a couple hours, mostly open field stride on fairly flat terrain...really a lot of cruising, but I gotta say, rain or shine there was no better way to spend an evening after work than putting miles under the wheels. The movement is damn near meditative.

    ...I figured talking about XC skiing and summer training would get you in good spirits, and beside R&R, that's the most important thing right now!

    Soooo...how long you been on skinny planks? Ever done the Birkebeiner, either the American or the original?

  6. #16
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    Great to hear from another skinny skier. And, thanks for the words of encouragement. I appreciate all the wonderfiul concern that I've gotten on this fourm. Great place, really!

    Anyway, I've been on skinny skis for 35 years. And, I've skied all the major ski marathons on the east coast, and I got to do the American Birkie back in '86. I STILL want to return someday; determined, now, more so than ever!

    The last 5 years, or so, I've been going to Traverse City, MI to ski the North American Vasa...wonderful race. And, I could live there, as the ski community is unbelievable. If you get a chance, go!!! I highly recommend it.

    For now, I'm suppose to do 4 weeks of R&R. How often does one get that much time off? LOL! So far I've been good...following the doc's orders!

    Thanks again!


  7. #17
    Join Date
    16th December 07
    East Kilbride, South Lanarkshire, Scotland
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    Glad you are on the mend. My friend has had 2 attacks and is 71 years old. He has other unrelated health problems now though.

  8. #18
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    Oh man, the Vasaloppet...isn't that, what, 80k? I did the Birkebeiner about 12...maybe 14? years ago...stopped counting a while back. Got my silver mark...that was a helluva good time, we raced from Rena to Lillehammer, the trails were lined with people for a couple kilometers up and down from every stua on the route, and every road crossing, waving flags, ringing bells, cheering whether you were going fast or slow...it was awesome. There was even a contingent of guys in furs, wooden skis and poles, pine tar, shields, the works. I remember all I brought was a warmup jacket and some spare kick wax, and had to grab a free weight from the workout room so my pack would be over the minimum weight if I emptied my Camelback before the finish line!

    I grew up in Alaska, there's a great XC skiing community there. Haven't been on the East Coast, but the New England skiers were always stiff competition, and a few guys from back home went to that academy in Vermont, I forget the name. Man, that brings back memories...I haven't skied nearly as much as an adult, but being young and hitting the spring circuit when all the Euros come over, man, what a party! Now, I kick around Summit County occasionally...the family that runs the Breck Nordic Center is really, really nice, if you get a chance to visit.

    If you do make it out to Denver some winter, look me up...I'd never turn down an excuse to bring out the skinnies, and the Nordic areas at Breck, Frisco, Vail and Beaver Creek are awesome.

    Four weeks of sitting...well, I suppose it's four weeks to explore the virtues of good scotch !

  9. #19
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    Wildrover, I just had a heart attack!...don't get me excited about going to far off places to ski. Actually, I've always wanted to ski the "real" Birkie. You're lucky to have done it. Maybe I'll get there!??

    The Swedish Vasa is ridiculously long..might even be 90K!

    Yes, if I make it to CO, I'll look you up. A good friend of mine teaches in the Denver City Public Schools.

    OK, time to close and dream about skiing in Norway. Scotland has limited xc, also!!! Hmm, Scotland to Norway...that's the trip!!!!

    Oh, a good Scotch, eh?...well, it's a great vaso-dilator!! Good for a heart attack???? LOL

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Any day spent above ground is a good day. Thank the good Lord, you're still drawing breath. Sláinte!

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