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  1. #11
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    I have two horsehair sporrans that I wear for piping and neither have a very large pouch adequate to carry what I have in my wallet. So, I wear a belt pouch.

  2. #12
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    I too thought it was pointless, but then started thinking that I would have pockets in my jacket for a few small items. I don't really like the idea of weighing down a jacket with a bunch of stuff. It makes the lines of the garment all out of whack in my opinion.

    The few examples I have seen were indeed hair sporrans (horse or goat), except for one that I recently saw on ebay that was an actual bear claw done up by a taxidermist, and attached to a leather sporran backing. I thought it was very neat, but again, kind of useless.

  3. #13
    Mike_Oettle's Avatar
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    There is certainly nothing decorative about a plain black leather pouch, which is what most of us in my regiment wore with the kilt.
    Officers and warrant officers (sergeants-major) had horse-hair sporrans; we had the plain pouch.
    It was made to function as a pocket, and we all used it as just that. We kept our money and our keys in it. And when empty, it wasn’t quite heavy enough to perform its other function of weighting down the front of the kilt.
    Seems logical enough to me.
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