14th April 11, 06:56 AM
14th April 11, 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by Galician
Cool. Btw, from your motto, are you considering a run for the papacy?
Well, if I DID, you know I'D be qualified... At least in one sense, anyway.
As for the translation/source of the text, I did a little bit of digging. The version I posted has been transcribed and copied amongst Bloggers so it's difficult to pinpoint anything as specific as which version of the rites they have referenced.
At least one translation of the text reads:
Bless, O Lord, this creature beer, that Thou hast been pleased to bring forth from the sweetness of the grain: that it might be a salutary remedy for the human race: and grant by the invocation of Thy holy name, that, whosoever drinks of it may obtain health of body and a sure safeguard for the soul. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Translation by Fr. Ephraem Chifley, O.P.)
Source: http://forums.catholic.com/showthread.php?t=125122
quick Google search for "rituale romanum" yields: http://www.sanctamissa.org/en/resour...num/index.html which specifically states it is the 1964 version and it is rendered ONLY in English.
That version reads thusly:
P: Our help is in the name of the Lord.
All: Who made heaven and earth.
P: The Lord be with you.
All: May He also be with you.
Let us pray.
Lord, bless + this creature, beer, which by your kindness and power has been produced from kernels of grain, and let it be a healthful drink for mankind. Grant that whoever drinks it with thanksgiving to your holy name may find it a help in body and in soul; through Christ our Lord. All: Amen.
It is sprinkled with holy water.
Otherwise, I was able to find a 1925 version of the "Rituale" in Latin only. The text reads:
V. Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini.
R. Qui fecit caelum et terram.
V. Dominus vobiscum. R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
Bene+dic, Domine, creaturam istam cerevisiae, quam ex adipe frumenti producere dignatus es: ut sit remedium salutare humano generi; et praesta per invocationem nominis tui sancti, ut, quicumque ex ea biberint, sanitatem corporis, et animae tutelam percipiant. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
R. Amen.
Et aspergatur aqua benedicta.
Source: www.liturgia.it/ritrom.pdf
14th April 11, 08:39 AM
Ummmm... have you not in the past stated or at least hinted that you're Jewish?
Anyway, thanks for the blessing but even high church as I once was, I'm trying to think of a place locally where a descendant of Orangemen wouldn't be swarmed for intoning it. Sotto voice in my bathroom I guess.
Also, I sort of regret the absence of your former Life of Brian -inspired signature motto, if only because it took so long for it to occur to me where you got it. However, vices instar festiva.
Last edited by Lallans; 14th April 11 at 11:11 AM.
14th April 11, 10:01 AM
Looks like something Friar Tuck would have said...
Catholics will bless anything if they think it would do any good for the item/person/action being blessed. (Before anyone gets upset about that statement, I was raised Catholic - now lapsed - and my aunt's a nun. And I'm loosely quoting a priest I know.)
14th April 11, 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by EagleJCS
Looks like something Friar Tuck would have said...
Catholics will bless anything if they think it would do any good for the item/person/action being blessed. (Before anyone gets upset about that statement, I was raised Catholic - now lapsed - and my aunt's a nun. And I'm loosely quoting a priest I know.)
Same with us High-Church 'pisskies.
14th April 11, 11:17 AM
You took the words right out of my whiskypalian mouth, Todd.
Greg Livingston
Clan MacLea (Livingstone)
14th April 11, 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by CDNSushi
Well, if I DID, you know I'D be qualified... At least in one sense, anyway.
Errr, actually I wouldn't know. Not without someone checking.
Originally Posted by EagleJCS
Looks like something Friar Tuck would have said...
Catholics will bless anything if they think it would do any good for the item/person/action being blessed. (Before anyone gets upset about that statement, I was raised Catholic - now lapsed - and my aunt's a nun. And I'm loosely quoting a priest I know.)
You can add me to that list. I never knew that there was a blessing for fire extinguishers before I looked at that website!
14th April 11, 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Chirs
You made me look it up!! But it may refer to his sporrans, for they would hang nicely.
I suspect that CDN got it from the first episode of the new tv series, "The Borgias" where the newly-elected pope had to sit in a special seat with a hole in it where a cleric could verify his physical qualificiation for the office.
Just to clarify, that was a very ancient requirement for ordination dating from the very first centuries of Christianity, right up to the changes in Church law made by the Second Vatican Council fifty years ago. One other was that a dwarf could not be a priest. There were several others which seem discriminatory today.
15th April 11, 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by Canuck of NI
Ummmm... have you not in the past stated or at least hinted that you're Jewish?
To quote one of the choices for relationship status on Facebook: "It's complicated." Actually, it's not -- but the explanation, without getting into the history of how I arrived at my faith, sometimes can be. I can see how you would say that I may have given the impression that I am Jewish. I am well-versed in many Jewish rites, and I'm generally very well capable of reciting many Hebrew blessings, as occasions will dictate. Nevertheless, I am a Christian who most closely identifies himself as a "Messianic believer." That is a person who follows Hebrew customs and traditions, emphasizing the fact that Jesus was Jewish, and preferring to worship in THAT context. I generally don't say that out loud, or to many people because I am well aware that the Messianic movement is outright rejected by the vast majority of mainstream Judaism, and it sometimes also draws the ire and criticism of mainstream Christianity as well. So in an effort not to offend anyone or make them uncomfortable, I tend not to advertise my religious persuasion. I did have a very nice conversation with Tokyo's conservative rabbi last year though, and he didn't seem to be unsettled in the least. But I also know that results can and will vary.
That is also all I will say about that, as I don't want the thread to descend into an argument or get locked/moved to the penalty box. But I AM happy to discuss anything with anyone via PM or email.
Originally Posted by Canuck of NI
Also, I sort of regret the absence of your former Life of Brian -inspired signature motto, if only because it took so long for it to occur to me where you got it. However, vices instar festiva.
Well, I am not opposed to recycling signature lines. We'll see, but I thought I'd bring in April and the beginning of spring with something a bit new!
Originally Posted by Galician
I suspect that CDN got it from the first episode of the new tv series, "The Borgias" where the newly-elected pope had to sit in a special seat with a hole in it where a cleric could verify his physical qualificiation for the office.
Quite right... When I saw the show, I laughed uproariously at that line! The last time I laughed so hard at something in Latin was indeed watching The Life of Brian... Hence the change. :-) In addition, I've heard it said many times, that it takes a large set of brass ones to walk around in public in a kilt... Well, hey! Voilà! Instant new (and appropriate) signature line!
15th April 11, 02:24 AM
I don't mean to interrupt, CDNSushi, but I'm wondering if there is also a blessing for the grain when it is grown?
Interesting tradition.
Originally Posted by cajunscot
... "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
-- Benjamin Franklin
Todd (A nosebleed-high Anglo-Catholic)
I don't seem to have it anymore, cajunscot, but back in the early nineties a college history teacher, in an American Revolution course, handed out copies of Benjamin Franklin's rum punch recipe. If I remember it had quite a bit of sugar in it. That quote reminded me of it.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
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