1st June 11, 06:37 AM
Tenth? I remember that one, although it was years ago. My wife and I are currently planning a vacation for our 18th. Time does fly when you are having fun.
I will offer you the same advice that I offer everyone, if you can survive your own wedding, then nothing can hurt your marriage. Don't get stressed out no matter what happens or doesn't happen, just enjoy the day for what it is.
2nd June 11, 10:42 AM
Boy have WE (my wife and me) been having FUN since we cerebrated our 45th last August. As we look back, we have no idea where ALL the time went. Way too much of it went to, dare I say it......WORK.
Enjoy your day, it sounds like it will be very special with all the planning you've put into it.
Santa Wally
Charter member of Clan Claus Society, Clan Wallace Society
C.W. Howard Santa School Alumni
International Brotherhood of Real Bearded Santas
2nd June 11, 06:28 PM
 Originally Posted by ohiopiper
You think time has gone fast in the last year? Just wait until you wake up one morning, as i did, and realize that this is the day you take your wife out of town for an evening with no kids, doing whatever you (she) want(s) with no responsibilities the next morning... in celebration of your tenth anniversary.
Time flies whether you're having fun or not.
But please allow me to wish you both the best the day of your wedding and all and every day after it.
 Originally Posted by AFS1970
Tenth? I remember that one, although it was years ago. My wife and I are currently planning a vacation for our 18th. Time does fly when you are having fun.
Good posts. Congrats on passing some marital mile stones. 
 Originally Posted by AFS1970
I will offer you the same advice that I offer everyone, if you can survive your own wedding, then nothing can hurt your marriage. Don't get stressed out no matter what happens or doesn't happen, just enjoy the day for what it is.
Sound advice, something we planned on following. All the planning we've put into this is basically what we're wearing, what we'll dance to, the order of the songs... things we have control over. In those categories, we've gone into some pretty specific detail. Outside of the ceremony itself and the first couple of dances (especially our first dance, a viennese waltz), which will be very formal, the rest of the night is just going to be a big party. Up beat music, free flowing drinks, great food... etc. We told our immediate families we only require 3 things of them:
1) Show up
2) Look awesome (kilted, this part is easy)
3) Have a good time. 
We've effectively cut the stress by just letting the night go as it will, which, if the previous weddings in the family are any indication, should be a LOT of fun.
 Originally Posted by Santa Wally
Boy have WE (my wife and me) been having FUN since we cerebrated our 45th last August. As we look back, we have no idea where ALL the time went. Way too much of it went to, dare I say it......WORK.
Enjoy your day, it sounds like it will be very special with all the planning you've put into it.
Thanks for the post Wally. My parents are coming up on their 35th anniversary soon I think. They tell me basically the same thing you have. I think wisdom flows from the same water source or something.
On a different note, I just finished placing a rather hefty order with Scotweb for the day in question. I may have single handedly paid their operating costs this month.
2nd June 11, 11:28 PM
Just remember that there are times when it really will be you and your wife against the rest of the world. Anything and everything will be competing for your time and energy.
I told my wife that sometimes I'd turn my back on her. Then we'll stand back to back and tell the world to f***ing bring it on, we're riding it out together.
I wish I believed in reincarnation. Where's Charles Martel when you need him?
4th June 11, 08:19 PM
The Missus and I have been together for 32 years. One of the first things I brought home was the rules for a Happy Marriage.
* Never both be angry at the same time.
* Never yell at each other unless the house is on fire.
* If one of you has to win an arguement, let it be your mate.
* If you have to critisize, do it lovingly.
* Never bring up mistakes of the past.
* Reject the whole world rather than each other.
* Never go to sleep with an arguement unsettled.
* At least once everyday, try to say one kind or complimentary thing to your lifes partner.
* When you have done something wrong, be ready to admit it and ask for forgiveness.
* It takes two to make a quarrel and the one in the wrong is the one who does the most talking.
I've found that most relationships work best when no one wears pants.
4th June 11, 09:21 PM
42 for us and it still hasn't given us the answer to The Meaning of Life, The Universe and Everything. 
Good luck.
Chris and Veronica
4th June 11, 10:01 PM
Eighty Days and counting. I am wishing richest blessings for you.
11th July 11, 10:05 PM
Good lord, a month and some change..... THAT'S ALL THE TIME LEFT!!!!!!! The walls are closin in on me boys.... though I think I might find some safety in the rum bottle I have with me.

It's actually going to be the most boring month ever. Literally everything is done, and all I'm waiting for is a fairly large package from Scotweb. I'll post pics when it arrives, as it's surely to be a day long remembered around here.
Basically all we're going to do this whole time is practice our first dance, which turned into quite the piece. We've only been learning to dance for about a year now. We're pretty good as far as amateur couples go, but for the first dance, we really wanted something over the top. So, we scoured every collection of music we could find and found a very nice song, with no lyrics (one of our major requirements), to which we could waltz. We presented this to our dancing instructors and the choreographer, who promptly told us, "This is a Viennese Waltz... a fast one at that." For those who aren't familiar, a Viennese waltz is very fast, lots of spinning, changing directions... it's not something normally reserved for the likes of us. But we would have none of it... we wanted our first dance to be long talked about in the clan, so we pressed forward. Through a scheduling snafu with the choreographer, we only got half of the thing planned out about a month ago. It was a bit faster than we're used to moving, but nothing a little hard practice couldn't fix. While working on that, we were waiting for a different choreographer to come in and plan the rest of the song, which happened last week. Mind you, this entire time, our instructors made sure to ask us a couple of times, "Are you SURE you want to stick with this viennese waltz with this song?" To which we replied usually with a resounding, "BUT OF COURSE!! We just need practice is all... we'll kick *** at it in no time!"
Or so we thought.
As it turns out, our song is nearly DOUBLE the speed at which your typical viennese is danced. The choreographer danced with our favorite instructor for about 10 minutes trying to get the timing of the song down, and by the end of it these two professional dancers with years of practice and numerous awards under their belts were panting and sweating as if they had just come back from a serious Gym session. :haha: It was only then that the bride to be and I realized we, just maybe, had bitten off more than we could chew. But the solution was a very simple one... slow the music down. An idea so monumental that it had never occurred to anyone until the choreographer first romanced it to us in his especially thick spanish accent. It's a good thing this particular piece has no vocals, AND it's fast enough already that a slight decrease in tempo will go unnoticed by anyone who hasn't listened to it as many times as we have. Even still... for our experience level, this is will be quite the dance.
Anyway, I just thought I'd ramble for a while. My legs are especially sore after a very long afternoon of dancing, so it's all I could think about.
12th July 11, 11:02 AM
Sounds like you're going to be a little busy for a while. If the two of you want to get away from it for a little while the Elizabeth games are this weekend or Highlands Ranch games in mid August might provide some relief.
Greg Livingston
Clan MacLea (Livingstone)
12th July 11, 12:15 PM
Congratulations to both of you. It sounds like a great time. We are looking forward to some great pictures.
Lang may your lum reek and a wee mouse never leaves your cupboard with a tear in its eye.
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