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  1. #11
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    Lightbulb Thank you

    Thank You I have emailed the Dunnadd trading Company and I will get it from them (Balmoral) Jones is a good word for it , We live in such a Wal-Mart world that when we want it we want it now. LOL I need to learn to be content with waiting. But your right there is a differance .Thats why I ask you all .i knew you woulf know. Thank You again.

  2. #12
    Mike_Oettle's Avatar
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    Hi, Thomas H – a balmoral often does look a lot like a beret, but berets generally don’t come with a pompom (or tourie) attached.
    In my regiment the officers and sergeants-major wore khaki balmorals, which were somewhat smarter (and larger) than the berets worn in other regiments, and which most of us had worn during our initial training.
    My personal preference is for the tam o’shanter, perhaps because it was the regulation headgear for Other Ranks.
    I have a beret tam sent to me by an X Marker in Ohio, and a lightweight tammie (for summer use) from Scotweb.
    But I am really looking forward to the military-style tammie I have ordered from Robert Mackie.
    I trust you will enjoy your balmoral when it arrives.
    The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life.
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  3. #13
    Seanmadra is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    I am very pleased with the J. Byous caubeen I have and they really helped me out in June when I need three more, on very short notice, for a special family event. Dad, at 73, wore his with 3 of his four sons (4th son traveling the West Coast) wearing theirs.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas H View Post
    Thank You I have emailed the Dunnadd trading Company and I will get it from them (Balmoral) Jones is a good word for it , We live in such a Wal-Mart world that when we want it we want it now. LOL I need to learn to be content with waiting. But your right there is a differance .Thats why I ask you all .i knew you woulf know. Thank You again.
    Good choice! You will not be disappointed with Chris' excellent customer service, as well as your new Mackie Balmoral! He will ship your new Balmoral right out to you - obviously after he receives it from Mackie!


  5. #15
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    The fact of the matter is that berets, balmorals, tam o' shanters, hummel bonnets, caubeens, and similar European soft hats, are all descended from a common form of knitted cap universally popular in Europe in the late middle ages and renaissance periods:

    So, I say go ahead and wear a beret! Pom-poms weren't added to Scots bonnets till the latter 1700s, and many continued without them for decades after - looking quite "beret-ish"...!


    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin

  6. #16
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    Ian Parenteau at Glengarry Hats in Canada has light blue Balmoral bonnets, as well as just about any other color you want. Ian is great to deal with, and sells a quality product for $45. His website is: www.glengarryhats.com.
    Hope that helps.
    Ron Lewis

  7. #17
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    I wear a Black Beret while in me Black Watch atire, being former military I think it looks just fine, and standing 6'4" and topping 265#, two tour combat Marine, not many say any difference. I wear a varity of Balmorals,Caubeens, and other Bonnetts with me other kilts.
    I don't believe the idea is to arrive in heaven in a well preserved body! But to slide in side ways,Kilt A' Fly'n! Scream'en "Mon Wha A Ride" Kilted Santas
    4th Laird of Lochaber, Knights of St Andrew,Knight of The Double Eagle
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  8. #18
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    Thomas H,
    When you decide you want a handmade bonnet, our own Ryan Ross makes them, and he lives in Hotlanta. Where is Villa Rica, anyway?

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  9. #19
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    Thank You

    Quote Originally Posted by piperdbh View Post
    Thomas H,
    When you decide you want a handmade bonnet, our own Ryan Ross makes them, and he lives in Hotlanta. Where is Villa Rica, anyway?
    Villa Rica is just 30 minutes from Atlanta west ,toward alabama. I would be
    very happy to but from a local vender. I just got an e-mail back from Dundar
    company and there Balmorals are a 10-14 day shipping wait, I do not want to wait for something to ship. I do something different and end up still waiting.
    It s just a part of being in to something (Scottish attire) and it not being
    at hand all over.LOL

  10. #20
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    Woodsheal is, of course, correct in stating: “Pom-poms weren't added to Scots bonnets till the latter 1700s, . . .”

    I use the tourie as a mark of distinction because of my experience of berets as being worn by a part of the South African Army I disliked intensely, whereas in my regiment all the headgear had touries.
    When my tammie was issued to me, I lost no time at all in “losing” my beret!
    The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life.
    [Proverbs 14:27]

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