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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    The Highlands of Norfolk, England
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    Re: Backpacking in a Belted Plaid.

    I have done quite a bit of backpacking in my younger days and one thing I know is this: all clothing under your pack should be crease free. If not that's the spot where trouble will occur. A great kilt is all creases at the back. I can't see how that would ever be comfortable.

    I fear you could be right in your first assessment:
    Quote Originally Posted by tartanartist View Post
    Or am I just crazy?


  2. #12
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    Re: Backpacking in a Belted Plaid.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    I just want to know how you're going to get a belted plaid (with all the extra material at the rear) to work with a backpack. It seems to me that all that material would really mess up the fit and function of the hip belt, and probably the shoulder straps too.

    I dunno, man. The idea sounds romantic and all, but I think it would be a "gear nightmare".
    That was my immediate thought, as well.

    I'd give it five minutes, tops, before you're about to keel over from discomfort.

  3. #13
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    Re: Backpacking in a Belted Plaid.

    Here's a solution that might work: use a ruck-sack style pack without a waist belt (you'll already be wearing a substantial belt to hold your plaid on). Put the plaid on in the usual way, and let the top portion hang down. Now, instead of the old-time practice of pinning the upper portion to your shoulder, or across your chest, put your pack on FIRST. Then bring the top part of the plaid up in back OVER the pack, and fasten it to the top of the pack or pack-frame itself.
    Now, there's no bunched-up tartan under your pack, and that upper portion is voluminous enough to still wrap around your upper body over the pack....

    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woodsheal View Post
    Here's a solution that might work: use a ruck-sack style pack without a waist belt
    I like Woodsheal’s idea of the rucksack. If I were going to try this I would use the plaid to its fullest extent and leave as much equipment home as I could. For instance, given the time of year and the location you may not need a sleeping bag. Try to find the lightest equipment such as a UV pen instead of a water pump. Limit clothing to the minimum and use the plaid. Consider carrying an emergency bivy. SOL makes several types. Wool may still insulate when wet but if the sun doesn’t come out after a thunderstorm you will have to use your body heat to dry it which could lead to hypothermia.

    Hiking light and fast has become very popular but it is important to consider what you would do if the worst happens. Are there bailout points if it doesn’t work out the way you planned? And last but not least, start checking weather reports starting 10 days out; if a high pressure system has set in and it looks mostly dry for the week, go for it. If moisture is being sucked up from the south and afternoon thunderstorms are going to be a regular occurrence I might wait for another time to try the belted plaid.

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