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  1. #11
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    Speechless! Deepest sympathy indeed.

  2. #12
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    I read on FB that Travis Butterworth's daughter (most of you know him as Nighthawk) was present in the theater. Thankfully, she got out unscathed except for a face full of teargas! Sympathies for the families of those that were not so fortunate.
    "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." -- Thomas Paine

    Scottish-American Military Society Post 1921

  3. #13
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    There are some horrors that simply defy our efforts to express them. Even after a quarter century in the public safety professions, and more exposure to the dark side of humanity than I like to remember, some things still create feelings that are just beyond my ability to put into words. There simply is no explanation that rational minds can understand. We can only give thanks for those who escaped and pray for comfort for the friends and families of those who did not.
    "Integrity is telling myself the truth. Honesty is telling the truth to other people." - Spencer Johnson

  4. #14
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    Trog, longhuntr, yes, my girl was there. She's kinda the hero of the family. She managed to save another kid. She saw him running towards the exit with the shooter and dragged him to the floor, hiding both of them until the police showed up. She was there with several friends, one of whom ended up in the hospital with shrapnel in his leg. He, however, was out in a few hours and fine. They're all in rough shape emotionally. She's having nightmares. So physically all of the kids with whom I'm associated are fine. I think there's going to be a long healing process though... Thank you all for your concern. I was going to post yesterday, but I wasn't in a good place myself, so I didn't.
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nighthawk View Post
    Trog, longhuntr, yes, my girl was there. She's kinda the hero of the family. She managed to save another kid. She saw him running towards the exit with the shooter and dragged him to the floor, hiding both of them until the police showed up. She was there with several friends, one of whom ended up in the hospital with shrapnel in his leg. He, however, was out in a few hours and fine. They're all in rough shape emotionally. She's having nightmares. So physically all of the kids with whom I'm associated are fine. I think there's going to be a long healing process though... Thank you all for your concern. I was going to post yesterday, but I wasn't in a good place myself, so I didn't.
    So glad to hear from you Travis...and as I said...VERY VERY VERY happy that your daughter is physically well. Bravo to her for her quick reactions and keeping her head!

    The emotional scars...well...here's hoping that she's able to move on sooner rather than later. They do/can pass. Here's wishing your all safety and happiness.
    "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." -- Thomas Paine

    Scottish-American Military Society Post 1921

  6. #16
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    Jesus wept! I'm glad your Girl is OK Travis. Tell her we're thinking about her.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhuntr74 View Post
    So glad to hear from you Travis...and as I said...VERY VERY VERY happy that your daughter is physically well. Bravo to her for her quick reactions and keeping her head!

    The emotional scars...well...here's hoping that she's able to move on sooner rather than later. They do/can pass. Here's wishing your all safety and happiness.
    Two of her friends are kids of Denver PD officers. They've decided to go through DPD's grief counselors and get group therapy- the three of them Should help.

    Quote Originally Posted by English Bloke View Post
    Jesus wept! I'm glad your Girl is OK Travis. Tell her we're thinking about her.
    Will do. Thanks. I'll tell you, I may need a little counseling myself. I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that my little girl was one stray bullet away from being gone... I'm so thankful she's OK, but damn... Talk about messing with my head. You know, she's 16, and she still calls me Daddy.
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  8. #18
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    Travis, I cannot even imagine what YOU are dealing with right now, much less what your daughter is having to process. The upside is that she has a good, strong, and loving family to help her through it. Be well, my friend, and keep them close.
    Mister McGoo

    A Kilted Lebowski--Taking it easy so you don't have to.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nighthawk View Post
    ...I'll tell you, I may need a little counseling myself. ...
    Don't brush that need aside if it becomes overwhelming, but stay strong and get her sorted. She will need her Daddy for some time yet.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nighthawk View Post

    Will do. Thanks. I'll tell you, I may need a little counseling myself. I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that my little girl was one stray bullet away from being gone... I'm so thankful she's OK, but damn... Talk about messing with my head. You know, she's 16, and she still calls me Daddy.
    This...I put myself there and I almost sob. Can't even imagine.
    Mister McGoo

    A Kilted Lebowski--Taking it easy so you don't have to.

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