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Thread: Flashes advice

  1. #11
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    So the bride is in white, the bridesmaids in plum and you in mostly black and grey? Its a celebration not a funeral! Bring in some bright color! It doesn't need to match, it needs to be cheerful! Were it me I would sport canary yellow flashes! Since I'm color blind I rarely match anyway, so I am likely off base in my above statement. But heck, life is short, stand out and have fun!
    "Everything is within walking distance if you've got the time"

  2. #12
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    To begin with considering my color sense my wife has to approve my attire before going out. However, with black hose I would think the white flashes, to match the bride, would look nice and stand out.

    I would think it is more important for the groom to match the bride rather than the bridesmaids. If the grooms men are kilted plum flash to match the bridesmaids would be nice.
    Last edited by Friday; 5th August 12 at 04:42 PM.
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friday View Post
    To begin with considering my color sense my wife has to approve my attire before going out. However, with black hose I would think the white flashes, to match the bride, would look nice and stand out.

    I would think it is more important for the groom to match the bride rather than the bridesmaids. If the grooms men are kilted plum flash to match the bridesmaids would be nice.
    Oh come on, "white flashes" and "important for the groom to match the bride"? Are you being serious? Surely you jest?
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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Oh come on, "white flashes" and "important for the groom to match the bride"? Are you being serious? Surely you jest?
    Jock, clearly you have never seen theknot.com.

    Here is their page on colors just to give you an idea of how much thought some folk put into it.

    And as to you above astoundment, here are their "6 Fashion Rules For Grooms". "Rules" 2 and 6 apply to your above questions, and "Rule" 5 applies to the topic.

    Not every bridal site (or bride) is this bad, but theknot.com is known for encouraging overthinking of weddings.


  5. #15
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    Thank you for that.

    As I am playing a minor role in two family weddings and one very minor role in another in the next few months I am delighted that those concerned are ignoring all that nonsense. In all honesty what is all this "knot" stuff about? I am so glad that its not our style here, although it would not surprise me if it had not started creeping in!
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  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Thank you for that.

    As I am playing a minor role in two family weddings and one very minor role in another in the next few months I am delighted that those concerned are ignoring all that nonsense. In all honesty what is all this "knot" stuff about? I am so glad that its not our style here, although it would not surprise me if it had not started creeping in!
    Jock, I have been to a fair number of weddings over here and have never seen the level of detail put into it suggested by theknot.com. I know it does happen, but happily I have never had to be a part of it. As to my own wedding, I was just happy my bride showed up
    Last edited by Spartan Tartan; 6th August 12 at 04:13 AM.

  7. #17
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    My pevious post aside, if wearing flashes that match your tie is what you want, then by all means go for it. Personally, I would go with an accent colour to highlight a stripe in my kilt. Of course, I also only have three sets of garter ties and don't expect to get more at this time.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    In all honesty what is all this "knot" stuff about?
    I have heard it referred to as the "Wedding Industry", and over here it almost seems like that's what it is. There seems to be a prevailing idea that every woman is entitled to her fairytale wedding, and everyone who makes their living providing such services are right there ready to help make it happen, for a price. It is not uncommon for weddings to be over $10,000, though some far exceed that.

    theknot.com just happens to be the most well known first stop when folk start planning their wedding, and is top result when one searches "wedding". There is a magazine "The Knot" that predated the website, and for them it is truly a business.

    If you want an indepth explanation of what the Wedding Industry is, this does a pretty good job of explaining it.

  9. #19
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    We do indeed have a "wedding industry", but I am not aware that we go to the detail that some do in your country. I am astounded of the cost of some of our weddings though. Oh well, happy days and one can only wish that in the end, "hope triumphs over experience"!
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 6th August 12 at 04:59 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  10. #20
    guardsman is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    wow black grey black. sounds like pants and socks to me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

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