Try Rye!
Rye was once the quintessential American whiskey, until being supplanted by bourbon in the decades after Prohibition. It's enjoying a bit of a resurgence these days. My favorite is "Old Overholt" which features a traditional Monongahela rye recipe dating back to when it was first distilled in Broad Ford, western Pennsylvania, in 1810.
Legend has it that "Old Overholt" was Doc Holiday's whiskey of choice, and it was once so ubiquitous that you see it parodied as "Old Overcoat" in some old Warner Bros. cartoons!
Anyways, it's a very enjoyable dram (less sweet tasting than bourbon) and in the case of "Old Overholt" - dirt cheap! Give it a try, and think back on the glory days of the Whiskey Rebellion..!
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin