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  1. #11
    Join Date
    3rd January 06
    Dorset, on the South coast of England
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    If the worst happened and your kilt was really wet with beer then pouring some clean cold water over the same area will remove it, and you will hardly be any wetter.

    Having hosed down a couple of kilts - one whilst I was still wearing it, and also stood under a shower fully clothed - oh and gone swimming in one - water does not seem to damage kilts. A gentle spray seems to be most effective.

    To shrink, wool requires heat, agitation and soap. The surface texture can be altered by brushing when wet, but it is fairly sturdy stuff.

    I would recommend a totally waterproof, plastic or plastic coated apron as first defence. That should cope with most accidents as long as it is long enough.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:

  2. #12
    Join Date
    13th April 13
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    Quote Originally Posted by MNlad View Post
    Step #1: Remove kilt
    Step #2: Wring kilt over beer glass
    Step #3: Re-don kilt
    Step #4: Finish serving beer tent patron
    Step #5: If patron complains about fuzz in his beer, remind him that wool adds natural fiber to the diet
    Step #6: Duck thrown beer glass
    I like this and will have to remember it the next time I volunteer at an event. Although plastic solo cups should not hurt too much.

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