Well done on the weight loss! I've been there - not so much weight loss as bulk loss - turning what fat I had into muscle, which is denser. Chainsawing and disposing of sixty 40-50 foot ironwoods will do that! Long and short of it was I lost 4 inches from my waist and my legacy ex-military kilt with all of 2 inches adjustment did, indeed fall to the floor.
For what it's worth, I did as you propose and moved the buckles until I was sure that I had stabilized at that size. Then I had the kilt altered by shortening the front apron (as a military kilt, it had no belt on the inner apron) by a very experienced local kiltmaker.
She did a first class job and not only made the kilt fit perfectly but also restored the symmetry of the front of the front apron - the centre line was off centre to my right - no small task with a MacKenzie sett.
So I'd recommend the same - move the buckles (hand-sew) until you achieve your target weight, then get a formal alteration done or trade down to a kilt of the correct size (based on the centre hole of the straps).
Good luck.
Regards, Sav.
"The Sun Never Sets on X-Marks!"