A little late to this thread, but it's never too late to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Lots of extra TLC for Mom, please. She needs lots of extra support for the next month or so, especially if this is her first.
You're off to a great start Ricky! Nameless certainly won't be loveless! (I'm sure he has a name by now...) Keep on hanging in there and you will always be his hero.
Last edited by Stitchwiz; 22nd May 15 at 04:43 PM.
Thanks everyone! Yes, little Nameless has a name now. Took nearly two weeks but the parents finally settled on Jacobi Leo. It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue easily so they are content with calling him Jay for now. Jacobi in honor of the Jacobite movement and Leo for the rampant lion. Nothing too obviously Scottish, huh? The middle name was the most difficult because for five generations now all the children have been given middle names starting with L.
As an aside, if you look closely at the original picture you will see I am wearing a button that says "Proud Grandpa". Just over 25 years ago the DW and I were working on the Navajo Reservation at a small boarding school. Some of the students made the button for me as my 1st grandchild was becoming due. I've worn it for every grandchild since. Kind of a good luck charm.
Studies have shown that women who gain a few pounds live longer than men who mention it.
Well, honesty forces me to admit that the size of our family isn't strictly due to my virility. We only had two biological children then went the adoption route for the other six. Much more fun that way; you get to be choosy and pick out the best.
6 adopted - that is brave. Glad it seems to have turned out OK. We have two plus one of our own and frankly that is as much as we can manage, especially as our only grandchild lives with us.