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  1. #11
    Join Date
    6th July 07
    The Highlands,Scotland.
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    As both Glasgow and Oban are almost at sea level and on the Western side of Scotland where the Gulf stream is a major influence, so the weather will not be too cold. There may be a dusting of fresh snow at 2000ft and higher and you may wake up to a frost, but in reality the cold in either place will not be too much to worry about. Wind and rain will need to be thought about though as a serious consideration. However, if you are lucky the weather can be rather nice at that time of year, don't rely on it though! An extra, warm pullover to put on in the evening and a pair of light gloves, a waterproof coat and hat will do you well.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 15th May 15 at 10:59 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    1st February 15
    Wetlands of Norfolk UK
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    Had you the time, I would have recommended a trip up to fort William to catch the Jacobite steam train to Mallaig.
    Just type, Jacobite steam train, on the net to get information on it.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Q View Post
    Had you the time, I would have recommended a trip up to fort William to catch the Jacobite steam train to Mallaig.
    Just type, Jacobite steam train, on the net to get information on it.
    My buddies and I went to Fort William two years ago to hike Ben Nevis and I convinced them to take that train with me. Absolutely beautiful scenery.

    I've actually been following what's been happening with West Coast Railways getting their permission to run steam trains revoked. Relieved to hear they got it back; that would have hit both Fort William and Mallaig pretty bad.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    As both Glasgow and Oban are almost at sea level and on the Western side of Scotland where the Gulf stream is a major influence, so the weather will not be too cold. There may be a dusting of fresh snow at 2000ft and higher and you may wake up to a frost, but in reality the cold in either place will not be too much to worry about. Wind and rain will need to be thought about though as a serious consideration. However, if you are lucky the weather can be rather nice at that time of year, don't rely on it though! An extra, warm pullover to put on in the evening and a pair of light gloves, a waterproof coat and hat will do you well.
    Excellent, good to hear! We'll be prepped.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    20th February 06
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    Sounds like you have a full itinerary. The Glasgow transport museum is now the Riverside Museum. Found the Willow Tea Room rather crowed but still on the "must do" list. We really enjoyed the Kelvingrove Museum and the Botanic Gardens. There are Indian restaurants a-plenty.

    In Oban, the museum Jock Scott mentions is the War and Peace Museum where you can learn about the squadron of Shorts Sunderland flying boats which were stationed there. We had a lovely dinner at the Lorne Bar.

    Have a great trip!

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