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  1. #11
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    Based on own experience I should recommend heritageofscotland.com. Their £49 Casual PV kilts http://www.heritageofscotland.com/casual_kilts_men will give you a lot of value for money. I haven’t tried their cheaper ones.

    Kilted for comfort, difference, look, variety and versatility

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by GG View Post
    Based on own experience I should recommend heritageofscotland.com. Their £49 Casual PV kilts http://www.heritageofscotland.com/casual_kilts_men will give you a lot of value for money. I haven’t tried their cheaper ones.
    From what I understand, the cheaper ones are 5 yarders, compared to these 8 yarders. Of course, the 5 yarders are good for hot weather or to schlep around in.
    [COLOR="#0000CD"]Scottish[/COLOR] clans: Fletcher, McGregor and Forbes
    [COLOR="#008000"]Irish[/COLOR] clans: O'Brien, Ryan and many others
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  3. #13
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    Inexpensive/Budget/Economy Kilts are widely available, but they are not created equal. I own several kilts that are PV (Acrylic) with a bit of real wool (15% or so) that I am quite happy with and which I ordered directly from the usual lot of makers in Pakistan via eBay for less than US$50.00 each (including delivery, mind you). They are a bit prone to pilling, but also have a "textured" and genuinely "woolly", flannel-like "hand" and drape which, in my opinion, compares rather favorably to Pure Wool. I am also very happy with several economy kilts I have purchased from (among others) Highland Kilt Company and Tartanista, which are made of a firmly and tightly woven synthetic material that resembles a stout, sturdy, military type cotton twill with a "hard" finish that is--like any good twill cloth--completely resistant to pilling and lends itself extremely well to all-seasons (including warm weather) wear.

    eBay (and other online locations, like Kilt Rental USA, et al.) can also be monitored for top-quality, Pure Wool, ex-rental/ex-hire kilts, kilt jackets, etc., for a fraction of what you would pay for them new or bespoke. Simply be diligent and Know Your Size.
    Best Regards,

    "I Wish Not To Intimidate, And Know Not How To Fear"

  4. #14
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    My far-from-being-an-expert brain tells me that the largest issue you will have is finding one that isn't too long for your height. The "off the rack" cheaper kilts I've seen tend to have a 24" length, which'll hang down past your knees.

    If you're willing to invest a little more, I would suggest checking out USAKilts (advertised on top banner), they can custom make you a casual kilt for $100(US) or what seem to be a favourite around here, their Semi-traditional, for $219(US). There are nothing but good things being said about USAKilts on this forum, and I am sure you would be satisfied.



  5. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Mathew MacKillop For This Useful Post:

  6. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by GG View Post
    Based on own experience I should recommend heritageofscotland.com. Their £49 Casual PV kilts http://www.heritageofscotland.com/casual_kilts_men will give you a lot of value for money. I haven’t tried their cheaper ones.
    Depending on shipping costs, possible import duties to the part of the kilting world you live I would agree. I own a couple of their kilts and have found them of reasonable value. But always remember in most cases you get what you pay for.
    Last edited by Liam; 10th November 15 at 11:52 PM.
    "Good judgement comes from experience, and experience
    well, that comes from poor judgement."
    A. A. Milne

  7. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Liam For This Useful Post:

  8. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by GG View Post
    Based on own experience I should recommend heritageofscotland.com. Their £49 Casual PV kilts http://www.heritageofscotland.com/casual_kilts_men will give you a lot of value for money. I haven’t tried their cheaper ones.
    If you do, find a mate or two and join up so's you can exceed the minimum for free shipping--save you each $25 bucks which makes that $63 poly/viscose 8 yarder a smokin' good deal.
    Disclaimer: I don't have one of those (yet) but hey, sixty three bucks!!
    Slàinte mhath!

    Freep is not a slave to fashion.
    Aut pax, aut bellum.

  9. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by DyerStraits View Post
    They are a bit prone to pilling, but also have a "textured" and genuinely "woolly", flannel-like "hand" and drape which, in my opinion, compares rather favorably to Pure Wool. <<snip>>
    Try one of these. They actually work.


    Slàinte mhath!

    Freep is not a slave to fashion.
    Aut pax, aut bellum.

  10. The Following User Says 'Aye' to freep For This Useful Post:

  11. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by freep View Post
    Try one of these. They actually work.


    Aye, a good cloth "shaver" is a good device to have for removing pilling, and even a disposable razor works in a pinch....
    Best Regards,

    "I Wish Not To Intimidate, And Know Not How To Fear"

  12. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by DyerStraits View Post
    I am also very happy with several economy kilts I have purchased from (among others) Highland Kilt Company and Tartanista, which are made of a firmly and tightly woven synthetic material that resembles a stout, sturdy, military type cotton twill with a "hard" finish that is--like any good twill cloth--completely resistant to pilling and lends itself extremely well to all-seasons (including warm weather) wear.
    I've been looking into Tartanista. They're UK-based, seem well within my price range and have a decent variety of tartans. Considering getting a Rob Roy and, after Christmas, a St. Patrick or Irish solid green (the other "Irish" tartan offered doesn't look very good I feel). So if they even marginally resemble the "real thing", I'm all for it.
    [COLOR="#0000CD"]Scottish[/COLOR] clans: Fletcher, McGregor and Forbes
    [COLOR="#008000"]Irish[/COLOR] clans: O'Brien, Ryan and many others
    [COLOR="#008000"]Irish[/COLOR]/[COLOR="#FF0000"]Welsh[/COLOR] families: Carey[/B][/CENTER]

  13. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by RectaPete View Post
    I've been looking into Tartanista. They're UK-based, seem well within my price range and have a decent variety of tartans. Considering getting a Rob Roy and, after Christmas, a St. Patrick or Irish solid green (the other "Irish" tartan offered doesn't look very good I feel). So if they even marginally resemble the "real thing", I'm all for it.
    The Irish National tartan kilt on Tartanista's website is a different pattern from mine, so I might have bought it from a different UK merchant:


    Chicago X Markers 2014.jpg

    This is also true with certain other "National" tartans, including St. Patrick--there are variations...
    Last edited by DyerStraits; 11th November 15 at 04:01 PM.
    Best Regards,

    "I Wish Not To Intimidate, And Know Not How To Fear"

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