Originally Posted by
To prove his abilities, he competed in a full No. 1 and creamed the competition.
He could wear a loin cloth and wipe out his competition!
Offtopic, but I find it interesting how for several decades "the face of the Games" has been Drum Major Joe Hosch, who always appeared in Full Dress. The baton has been handed to Dave Melton, who likewise always appears in Full Dress. That's the public image of the Highlander: the kilted Drum Major in Full Dress with feather bonnet.
A Drum Major wearing the simpler Argyll kit, especially with an all-black kilt, isn't going to capture the photographer's eye, or the public imagination.
Last edited by OC Richard; 4th December 15 at 07:03 AM.
Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte