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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarheel View Post
    How well Jock knows my wardrobe and work history. The perspective suggests a "go-to" coat for everyday (as opposed to visiting) use.
    A thought occurs here and its perhaps influenced by my age and circumstance, but when wearing my saxon attire for general everyday wear, I wear(as I am at the moment) a sports jacket------not the "dead rat" version!------ and tie most of the time. Should I be wearing the kilt in the same circumstance then as a matter of course these days, I would wear a pullover(sweater) and perhaps less often a tie. Should I need to wear a suit equivalent whilst wearing the kilt, then I don a tweed kilt jacket.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 4th April 16 at 03:39 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  2. #12
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    I suspect my experience is not unique among new kilt wearers. At first you put together the best kit you can with what you have, based on your own preconceived ideas, Google image searches, and advice from here. Likely very few you run into where you live will have seen enough kilts in their lifetime to notice anything amiss. Gradually as budget allows and style is refined (mostly by following examples of those here in my case) your look will improve. The lesson for me, and my advise for you, is: try not to worry so much about it that you don't kilt up when you can, if you have a sport coat and it looks decent, go for it. Gradually you will add to and improve your look in a natural progression.

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  4. #13
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    What good points and discourses y'all have provided. I will, as I can afford, purchase the proper jackets and a Prince Charlie as well. I have several sweaters, lightweight and heavy, that will probably work better that the "Saxon" sports coat. I'll have to give them a go when I need to be more dressy.

    I wore my kilt out this last Saturday for the first time. I paired a tan polo shirt with it and dark socks with walking shoes, no coat or sweater even tho' it was chilly.

    Wearing the kilt seemed as natural as the sound of the pipes are pleasing to my ears; it must be in my soul.


  5. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Perhaps the ill fitting, handmedown, fifty year old, much repaired, stained, tattered tweed jacket smelling distinctly of pipe smoke, fish, peat, whisky, moth balls, beer, sweat and dead rat might have just about fitted in to the kilt and sports jacket definition, but in reality this form of jacket was better suited to gardening, road mending, or an afternoons ferreting out on the hill.
    With the exception of the dead rat, I like the sound of this jacket and I have one that is heading this direction.

    Vestis virum reddit

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  7. #15
    Benning Boy is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    There is one way to get a proper sports coat to wear with a kilt. Freedom Kilts offers a jacket made more like a modern business suit coat than like a traditional argyle. Check the web site. That jacket can be ordered custom made. I've seen Steve's swatch book, and there are many sporty colors and textures in it. A jacket might be had in a dark blue or perhaps claret should one desire. It would probably come with faux antler buttons, but these can easily be replaced. I've replaced the antler buttons on my dark charcoal Freedom Kilts jacket with plain ones like those on any modern suit coat, and they look just fine.

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