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  1. #11
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    I suppose it depends on what you mean by "Rob Roy" style, and where you plan to wear it. I have a rather roomy, loose, soft leather sporran that I think is Rob Roy style, but I only wear it to Renaissance Festivals. If I have to put my keys in my daywear or formal sporran, I pare down to the absolute minimum (i.e. key fob or master key for the car, all else stays in the car) or my wife carries the keys in her much roomier bag.

    ETA: The sporran worn by @Fedgunner is far nicer than the Rob Roy I own and am thinking of. In fact, I'd wear that for any casual to smart event with pride.
    Last edited by Wareyin; 2nd March 18 at 08:45 PM.

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  3. #12
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    I have the basic black Rob Roy sporran made by Wyvern and I absolutely love it. I've worn with a semi-formal look and I thought I looked great.

    BW Ball Me and jesse.jpg

    I would love to get a similar one in brown for day wear at some point.

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  5. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terry Searl View Post
    I really like the colour of your jacket and waist coat
    The full ensemble.
    Also a lesson in ordering all the bits at the same time.
    I had the jacket and waistcoat made together, when they came in the owner of the Celtic Croft said he could get a kilt in the same fabric. Of course I thought this was a great idea!
    They are the same color number, but different dye lots.
    That said, I really like the subtle difference.
    Commissioner of Clan Strachan, Central United States.

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  7. #14
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    I was once carrying a large, uncomfortable quantity of keys on one key ring. They made a rather prominent, unattractive bulge in my trousers pocket. I think I actually started to list to one side when I walked.

    That's when I decided to separate the house keys from the car keys from the Scout troop's keys, etc. That allows me to keep the various key rings in different pockets, or I can leave the house keys in my vehicle when I'm out & about and short on pocket room (e.g. kilted), or leave the car keys at home if they're not needed, etc. It also lessens the chance that I'll lose some important keys if one set gets lost.

    Just a thought.

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  9. #15
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    Have a look on etsy.com at OhSusannasLeather. Nicely priced in my opinion and roomy.
    Life without whisky is like a broken pencil...pointless.

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  11. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fedgunner View Post
    The full ensemble.
    Also a lesson in ordering all the bits at the same time.
    I had the jacket and waistcoat made together, when they came in the owner of the Celtic Croft said he could get a kilt in the same fabric. Of course I thought this was a great idea!
    They are the same color number, but different dye lots.
    That said, I really like the subtle difference.
    When I first saw solid colour kilts they weren't my favourite, but seeing your outfit certainly has changed my opinion of them, it really looks grand. I can differentiate between the two dye lots, but in a photograph, I would have thought it was due to light or some other thing that is affecting the photo. You are right there is something about the subtle difference that is attractive but that being said It would have looked just as fine if the dye lots had been the same........You really do look very smart......thanx for taking the time to send another photo, Cheers

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  13. #17
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    My go-to daywear sporran is a Rob Roy style from the late lamented Thorfinn Custom Sporrans. It is extremely roomy, without looking "pouchy" as Father Bill would say. The front is black with brown side gussets, so it will go well with either kind of leathers, if you are worried about such matters. It has a neat feature, which is that the top flap is attached with a snap in the back, so you can switch them out for different looks. I have a black flap, a brown one, and a flap using a swatch of my tartan--which is the one I usually wear, since it looks really sharp with my kilt. Inside the bag, there is a small pocket intended for the old flip phone (I bought this many years ago) which I usually use to hold my Metro card these days. There is also a very handy spring-loaded metal hook, like the one on a dog leash, which is for holding my keys, so I don't have to fish around for them in the bottom of the bag.

    It's a great product and I wish one of the other craftsmen would steal the design, since sadly Turpin has left this Earth and won't be making more of them.

    I have to say that I really like the look of the Wyvern sporrans, although i have not had the pleasure of seeing one in person. And I have to agree with everyone else that Fedgunner's brown jacket and waistcoat look smashing.

    All in all, I can't see why a good Rob Roy sporran wouldn't work for just about anything short of black tie.

    Last edited by kingandrew; 6th March 18 at 05:38 AM.

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  15. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by CalBlaylock View Post
    I'm contemplating using some expected bonus money to purchase a new sporran for regular day wear. I'm looking really hard at a "Rob Roy" style sporran, largely because I think it will allow for easier carry of my rather unwieldy keys. Would such an accessory be strictly speaking "in bounds" for day wear, or would it be seen by those in the know as a faux pas or Yankeeism?
    The Rob Roy style has been around a long time.

    Here it is in the Anderson 1936 catalogue, #20 "Rob Roy".

    It's more or less a return to the late 17th century/early 18th century style, before the brass opening top was added.

    Last edited by OC Richard; 6th March 18 at 05:51 AM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  16. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by McGinley View Post
    Have a look on etsy.com at OhSusannasLeather. Nicely priced in my opinion and roomy.
    I also have a sporran from Oh Susannas Leather and it's very good! Great price, too.

  17. #20
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    I just looked them up on Etsy.

    Here it is


    Those sporrans aren't exactly the style called Rob Roy, though they are very nice.

    (Rob Roy sporrans, as made by the mainstream Scottish sporranmakers over the last century or so, are a quite distinct style, wider than normal sporrans, a huge open bag held together by a draw-string, exactly as can be seen in the catalogue above.)
    Last edited by OC Richard; 6th March 18 at 06:03 AM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

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