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Thread: eBay Kilts?

  1. #11
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    The OP didnt say how much he was willing to spend. As stated above I too would stay away from the acrylic ebay $20 kilts. Having said that, i do own one, but it is use solely as a change of clothes for after i go bike riding -its nice to pull off sweaty bike shorts, and change into something cool and comfy for the ride home. Anyway, i digress...

    You cant go wrong with Stillwater or USA kilts, members here have positive comments about them - I have a Stillwater kilt in my closet that I have had for years.

    If you can afford it look for a wool kilt. I think there is a world of difference between wool and PV. ebay is a great place to find used wool ones, it just may take time to find size/tartan that you want. there are also a couple places in the UK that sell ex-rental wool kilts that you can find for under $200USD. Limited tartans, but usually common ones, and you can usually only order them in waste size, but I think you would still be happy.

    HTH, Good Luck.

  2. #12
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    Cycling and kilting

    A kilt is pretty much the best thing to wear after a bike ride, either on the way home or stopping at a pub first. You can change discreetly and feel comfortable.

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  4. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeC View Post
    ...... If you can afford it look for a wool kilt. I think there is a world of difference between wool and PV. ebay is a great place to find used wool ones, it just may take time to find size/tartan that you want. there are also a couple places in the UK that sell ex-rental wool kilts that you can find for under $200USD. Limited tartans, but usually common ones, and you can usually only order them in waist size, but I think you would still be happy.

    HTH, Good Luck.
    I'm from New Zealand, so no disagreement on the wonders of wool! Totally agree.

  5. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by D McD View Post
    So, I'm hoping to buy a first "experimental" kilt - by that I mean, I'm wanting to see if I dare wear it, and feel comfortable with it, and so on. (Excuse my timidity!)

    I'm looking for something low cost, because it is something to test and try, not a lifelong treasured item. And with a measurable chance I might wear it once and never again, best not to spend too much on this "proof of concept".

    I've been beguiled by kilts on eBay for as little as around the US$20 mark. But, oh my gosh, what can you actually get/expect for $20. Seems an impossibly low price.

    Is there a particular eBay vendor worthy of consideration?

    If not, which of the many online vendors would be good as a low cost entry-level starter kilt?

    Many thanks for any advice you can offer

    Sláinte Mhath

    RRS kilts turn up on Ebay from time to time at quite low prices, such as these: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Royal-Re...u4G8ovYx6qiXKw

    There is a wide variation in prices though, for example: https://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_...+kilt&_sacat=0
    Last edited by Bruce Scott; 26th July 19 at 06:56 PM.

  6. #15
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    Those are interesting links, thanks. I was astonished that in the first listing, the largest waist size was 34". Are they using a different measurement system to the "around the navel" concept that seems to generally apply?

  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by D McD View Post
    Those are interesting links, thanks. I was astonished that in the first listing, the largest waist size was 34". Are they using a different measurement system to the "around the navel" concept that seems to generally apply?
    Young, fit soldiers. A wee bit smaller than my 50 sumpthin self.

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    Wilson, Campbell, Bartlett, Munro - a few of the ancestral names, mainly from the North-east of Scotland

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