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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by grizzbass View Post
    lookin good. I had a beard like that once upon a time.
    What happened to your beard?
    OblSB, PhD, KOSG

    "By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher." -Socrates

  2. #12
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    I know exactly why: the belted plaid that has the belt loops is hanging on a hook -- by its belt. I simply grab the plaid, put the belt around me, adjust it and off I go. The rear is less nicely-formed knife pleats and more like rough "gathers" which I've heard could be the origin of the original tailored box-pleated kilts. When I lay a plaid on the bed and hand-pleat the middle section, then the pleats come out nice and crisp and neat.

    My thoughts, anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by dcommini View Post
    I wonder why it doesn't look as good. Do you just belt it and put it on, or do you belt it, pleat it, and then put it on?

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  4. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jthk View Post
    I know exactly why: the belted plaid that has the belt loops is hanging on a hook -- by its belt. I simply grab the plaid, put the belt around me, adjust it and off I go. The rear is less nicely-formed knife pleats and more like rough "gathers" which I've heard could be the origin of the original tailored box-pleated kilts. When I lay a plaid on the bed and hand-pleat the middle section, then the pleats come out nice and crisp and neat.

    My thoughts, anyway.
    That makes sense. I've heard the same about the rough gathers, and truth be told, if I'm camping or doing something in which I'll be putting it back on in the morning with no care for how it looks, I'll just gather up the plaid and belt it on, making a few adjustments for length or so.
    OblSB, PhD, KOSG

    "By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher." -Socrates

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  6. #14
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    I agree with you; if I don't have the time or don't really care about how it looks, I'll just toss it on. -- or wear a traditional kilt which is as simple as fastening two buckles and off I go!

    Quote Originally Posted by dcommini View Post
    That makes sense. I've heard the same about the rough gathers, and truth be told, if I'm camping or doing something in which I'll be putting it back on in the morning with no care for how it looks, I'll just gather up the plaid and belt it on, making a few adjustments for length or so.

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  8. #15
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    The wife

    I grew it for an opera I was singing. They called and asked if I any other gigs where long hair and a beard would be unacceptable and since I didn't I grew it for a full year and I already had long hair and a beard for a series of shows I was singing at the time. However my wife, although liking the look, didn't like the feel so when the show ended so did the hair and beard.
    Quote Originally Posted by dcommini View Post
    What happened to your beard?

  9. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by dcommini View Post
    Nicely done getting others to wear a kilt!

    Today was the Afterfeast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple - the actual Feast was Wednesday night/Thursday but I missed it due to work. I would have worn my kilt then if I could have made it, but since it was still technically going on today I went ahead and wore my kilt. I believe my first post on this forum was from a few years ago after taking my daughters to the service for the Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple and the tea party that parish had for the girls afterwards.
    Theotokos makes me think you are Orthodox, is that correct? If so, what patriarchate? I’m Antiochian Orthodox.

  10. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Steelkilt For This Useful Post:

  11. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelkilt View Post
    Theotokos makes me think you are Orthodox, is that correct? If so, what patriarchate? I’m Antiochian Orthodox.
    I am indeed Orthodox, also under the Antiochian jurisdiction, though I converted in GOArch, and the chivalric order I'm in is technically ROCOR
    OblSB, PhD, KOSG

    "By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher." -Socrates

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  13. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by dcommini View Post
    I am indeed Orthodox, also under the Antiochian jurisdiction, though I converted in GOArch, and the chivalric order I'm in is technically ROCOR
    Well then, Christ is Born!

    How was your reception at Church? Did it put off your fellow parishioners, or did they take it in stride?

    Do you plan to wear the kilt to services in the future?

  14. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Steelkilt For This Useful Post:

  15. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelkilt View Post
    Well then, Christ is Born!

    How was your reception at Church? Did it put off your fellow parishioners, or did they take it in stride?

    Do you plan to wear the kilt to services in the future?
    Glorify Him!

    I've worn my kilt to church before and have gotten compliments from parishioners and priest both. There is a gent who wears a kilt on Pascha (Easter for those who read this and aren't Orthodox). I definitely plan on wearing my kilt again. In fact I wore my kilt for the Christmas service.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	christmas_kilt1.jpg 
Views:	30 
Size:	114.7 KB 
ID:	37987

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20191224_175947_001.jpg 
Views:	26 
Size:	130.6 KB 
ID:	37988

    This second picture was taken before Liturgy. One of the priests noticed I was taking pictures and offered to take one of me in front of the altar.

    And apologies for the second picture being turned sideways. It doesn't appear that way on my phone or computer so I have no idea why it posted that way.
    OblSB, PhD, KOSG

    "By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher." -Socrates

  16. The Following User Says 'Aye' to dcommini For This Useful Post:

  17. #20
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    Thumbs up Amazing

    Kilt looks great!

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