There is nothing that I can say that will comfort you, but i'll pray for God to wrap his arms around you and your family and comfort you in this tragic time. I lost my father (who was my best friend) a year and a half ago. I still am struggling with his loss.
I have the scarf...thanks TxScotsman.... and will be getting it out to another person on the list ASAP. I got it this morning in the mail, so haven't had a chance to review anything yet, but promise that it will be back on the road by Thursdays mail, at the latest.
My condolances to TxScotsman...I know what it feels like, and it's tough.
Thanks Alan for helping out with the scarf. I too know well what TxScotsman is going through. Very sad time indeed. Thanks Tx for getting the scarf to Alan.
Looking forward seeing where the little welsh rugby scarf will appear next in the xmts vortex ...
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3rd May 11
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If no one on the list responds in time, send it to me. I'll have Mickey take it out this time, before sending it along to someone else on the proper list.