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  1. #241
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    42 may be the most important number in the universe as it represents the mean hip measurement for kilt wearers. In this context life is represented by the kilt and the meaning (or averaging) of life (the kilt) at the hips (from which the swish emanates) is 42. Or, to simplify, the meaning of life is 42.

  2. #242
    Join Date
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    Leland, NC U.S.A
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tartan Hiker View Post
    Charlie Daniels grew up in Wilmington, North Carolina. In his younger years he worked at the utility pole plant. If you can imagine how miserable that job must be (soaking power poles in boiling creosote in the hot sun) you can well imagine why he practiced the fiddle with such determination.
    Here in Leland, NC acrossed the Cape Fear River from Wilmington, NC It is said that he grew up in Leland. I don't know, but that creosote plant was/is here in Leland. I went on a run w/ a freind and that was were we loaded poles to take to Newburn, nc
    Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks. From the note books of Lazurus Long aka: Woodrow Wilson Smith

  3. #243
    Join Date
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    I think you need to try decaf there Sir...how others choose to view/wear their kilts, should be of little to no concern to you. Whether we feel it is a formal, or casual sort of ware, is irrelevant. Obviously you have too much time on your hands...if you're going to go knocking the rest of us, further more...what exactly did you expect from a site devoted to Kilt wearers??? I personally feel that my Kilt is a sacred article, that helps me feel closer to my ancestors, to Scotland...I am an American, but Scotland runs through my veins same as any Scot...and I feel my Kilt is something of great importance, a symbol of my heritage, and my pride in such. To sum things up, perhaps you should kick back with a wee scotch and relax...

  4. #244
    georgeetta is offline Registration terminated at the member's request
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    low high land thng fling

    interesting ..not to be called for in for heresy ..just to know what the edge of the world is ..in the "world is flat" times ..kilt seesm to be a highland sort of invention thur economics, lack of skilled tailors but adequate weavers, econmoncs of breeches migth be you waste 3-4x the material but you spend an equivalency of 8x on skilled tailoring in the end not economic for the highlander ..though trews/breeches/"pants" are tailored requiring skill ..scissors and needle ..but I assume take up less fabric ..which in a lowland area ..with masses put a premium on material waste being a problem ..

    so ..I always see Picts as being wearing britches I'd'a assumed the invading or invited or tourist Northern Irish incomers also being ..in breeks (Scot pron "bricks"

    at some point all folks were semi intermingled ..or increasingly ..so is the kilt ..a northern lingering garment because the city dwellers in the south ..had breeks and never had belted plaids ?? sorry would border Scots wore breeks in year 500 or 1000 or 1300's ?

    Opposing view -A lowland man [what you folks'd call your average south of Highland line taxpayer] -sorry folks saw it as a rich man's fancy ..he's long gone but his sons revered the kilt being in 3 regiments . He would never have thought of buying a kilt [being a responsible family man of his generation] ..spending was out of the question .


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