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  1. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    It looks as though Annie and I are moving house! I have never done that before! We are moving to a modern cottage, near the river, which has no draughts,no dust,no leaks, it has double glazing , central heating that works and only five bedrooms. My sons are taking over the business and are moving into the various houses dotted around the country and one of them is moving into our old house. I am delighted and I wish them well in whatever they decide to do in the future.
    Hum... Big changes ! I do hope all goes for the best.


    Robert Amyot-MacKinnon

  2. #262
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    Being on the mend can try the patience of a Saint but try not to stir the Commandant too much lest the escape plan be compromised.

    Here's hoping that you both have smooth sailing for the remainder of your confinement and for the big move ahead.

    best regards,

  3. #263
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    I am trying to lull the guards into a false sense of well being at the moment, I did have a spot of bother with the Camp Commandant which seemed to cause a bit of a stir, but on the whole the escape plans a coming along well. All being well, the escape is planned for sometime during the second or third week of July, depending on the condition of the moon.
    Quote Originally Posted by KFCarter View Post
    ...try not to stir the Commandant too much lest the escape plan be compromised.
    Why do I keep hearing the music from "The Great Escape" running through my head.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  4. #264
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    I'm left to think 'trash bags! Trash bags!"

    (I sure hope that doesn't go over anyones head)

  5. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Well here I am, another week gone by and I am still here! Not the best of weeks for old Jock in truth, you know the thing, one step forward and then one step back. I suppose that is going to be the way for a while yet. Thank you for all your messages and I am delighted to see the picture of Jamie taking all those hats of his to, I assume, the bin.

    I am trying to lull the guards into a false sense of well being at the moment, I did have a spot of bother with the Camp Commandant which seemed to cause a bit of a stir, but on the whole the escape plans a coming along well. All being well, the escape is planned for sometime during the second or third week of July, depending on the condition of the moon.

    It looks as though Annie and I are moving house! I have never done that before! We are moving to a modern cottage, near the river, which has no draughts,no dust,no leaks, it has double glazing , central heating that works and only five bedrooms. My sons are taking over the business and are moving into the various houses dotted around the country and one of them is moving into our old house. I am delighted and I wish them well in whatever they decide to do in the future.
    I am a master at preventing goal escapes. which probably makes me pretty good at planning them. At least I know what to look for. If yu need any help. I'm jut a key board click away. Continue your recovery and be kind to the caretakers. Enjoy the new digs. Moving house is always exciting.

    Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

  6. #266
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    So glad to read all the updates, Mrs Jock, thanks for the story, it gave me a smile. I'm glad the "Team Jock" print has been well received. As for moving house, well it does happen from time to time, it sounds like the new residence will be at least more comfortable and possibly better for Jock which is all for the good.

  7. #267
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    Glad you are thinking about your post hospital plans.

    Your cottage sounds like a winner


    Jamie :ootd:
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  8. #268
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    You didn't mention but dare it be so luxurious that it even has indoor plumbing?

  9. #269
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    You didn't mention but dare it be so luxurious that it even has indoor plumbing?
    Now, do I take this as a serious question? Am I heading for an ambush here? Oh, go on Jock get on and answer the question! Oh yes, hot and cold running water and all the usual facilities. Just like the old house. The difference being that the plumbing in the new house is probably 150 years younger!

  10. #270
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    Jock, Perhaps it will help to think of the one step forward/back as building momentum for your eventual release. (Rocking at the starting line, just waiting for the signal to ... GO!)

    Best wishes for your continued recovery, and best of luck to all of the various movers (and shakers!).

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