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Thread: CCW with a kilt

  1. #21
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    I am somewhat supprised that no one had yet mentioned a sporran for concealed carry. As a leather hobbyist I would have little trouble adapting one for that use and the fact that no two sporran look even remotely the same, an unusual sporran could go un-noticed.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Robert
    I am somewhat supprised that no one had yet mentioned a sporran for concealed carry. As a leather hobbyist I would have little trouble adapting one for that use and the fact that no two sporran look even remotely the same, an unusual sporran could go un-noticed.
    I had thought about it except that the sporran usually has a bunch of stuff in it already, and you can't stick your hand straight in for the draw without opening the flap first. And unless you have a Buzz Kidder sporran with a fantastic magnetic closure, that will rob several precious seconds.

  3. #23
    Doc Hudson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnus Sporrano
    And unless you have a Buzz Kidder sporran with a fantastic magnetic closure, that will rob several precious seconds.

    Not necessarily. It depends on how the pistol pocket is designed.

    In working on a sporran holster design, I'm taking into consideration several different methods used in fanny pack holsters, and a couple of purse holsters that are already on the market.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnus Sporrano
    I had thought about it except that the sporran usually has a bunch of stuff in it already, and you can't stick your hand straight in for the draw without opening the flap first. And unless you have a Buzz Kidder sporran with a fantastic magnetic closure, that will rob several precious seconds.
    I've carried in a "fannypack" style holster for years. I'd love to see someone come up with a sporran version of it. But I do want to point out that you don't carry with that sort of rig for a speed draw. In fact, none of the options discussed would have much option for speed. Nor is it needed. Concealability is. I could go on for pages about weapon theory, and will if anyone wants to contact me off list...

  5. #25
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    What kind of wee gun did ye get Magnus?
    If I carried I think I'd just wear a kilt jacket
    and tuck it into my waistband in the small of
    me back or maybe in a small of back clip on holster
    or something. I should probably get a permit sometime
    but I mostly carry when out camping where it is (I believe)
    still legal to do so.
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  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy
    What kind of wee gun did ye get Magnus?
    For now I have a Makarov.

    I'm working on a deal to trade my Savage 10FP-LE2 for both a Glock 21 and a Glock 30. G21 for home protection, G30 for carry.

    Though I am impressed with the Makarov. Costs about $170 but amazingly accurate, and rugged. It's mechanically very simple so I expect it to be reliable.

    If I carried I think I'd just wear a kilt jacket
    and tuck it into my waistband in the small of
    me back or maybe in a small of back clip on holster
    or something. I should probably get a permit sometime
    but I mostly carry when out camping where it is (I believe)
    still legal to do so.
    My style outside of the office is along the lines of sandals, kilt, tee shirt (tucked into the kilt), and not much else. I do wear a sporran, and a 1.5" belt. When the weather cools down I usually wear a sweater, kilt hose, and shoes.

    I might regrettably have to adjust the way I dress (EDIT: not dropping the kilt, but adding a layer up top) to make this work. Either that or learn how to make sporrans so I can figure out a good combo CCW holster/sporran.

  7. #27
    Doc Hudson's Avatar
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    Didn't you recently buy a Pittsburgh Kilt?

    If you don't have the side pockets, the under-apron pocket should be fine for your Makarov.

    You might need a pocket holster of some sort to keep in in proper position, but just sticking it in the pocket will work until you get a good holster, a fannypack holster, or a sporran holster.

  8. #28
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I would think a clever means of storing the gun behind the sporran rather than storing the gun in the sporran would be a good idea... No fumbling around inside.

    Just a simple slip holster mounted to the back panel of the sporran with a gun of the right size.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Hudson
    Didn't you recently buy a Pittsburgh Kilt?
    Aye. It's camo though so I can't wear it to the office. And it's lined so it gets a little sweaty in this heat we're getting.

    If you don't have the side pockets
    I opted out of all pockets except...

    the under-apron pocket should be fine for your Makarov.
    Maybe. Except the matching sporran is a little too small to hold all the crap I carry and having the wallet in the wallet pocket fixes all of that.

    You might need a pocket holster of some sort to keep in in proper position, but just sticking it in the pocket will work until you get a good holster, a fannypack holster, or a sporran holster.
    Yeah I'm thinking that some kind of sporran holster is going to have to be the way to go, ultimately.

  10. #30
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    I've shot a Glock before at the range. I didn't like it personally.
    It kicked like a son of a gun in my hand due to it's light weight.
    If you have larger, meatier hands than mine, you might not notice
    it so much though.
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