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  1. #21
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    Well, it happened! Yes, "Monarch...." is back! The first episode of six in the final series was shown on BBC1, here in the UK, this evening.

    I apologise for not getting back a few days ago to confirm this showing, but the return of the series has been well publicised in the press and TV listings magazines. The story-line has been weakening in previous series (after the Producers ran out of the original Sir Compton Mackenzie stories) and this last series shows little sign of improving in that area. However, familiar characters are there and the gorgeous scenery is much in evidence.

    The first face from the (recent) past to show up was Duncan's. Unfortunately, although he opens the episode, he is not kilted until about half-way through - he turns up in motor-cycle leathers and moves on to t------s some time before we see him in his kilt! Hopefully, he stays with us until the last episode, but I wouldn't bank on his doing so!!

    I might miss next week's episode as I'll be on another stage of my World Tour, and will be in Wales - Cardiff to be precise.
    [B][I][U]No. of Kilts[/U][/I][/B][I]:[/I] 102.[I] [B]"[U][B]Title[/B]"[/U][/B][/I]: Lord Hamish Bicknell, Laird of Lochaber / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Scottish Tartans Authority / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society / [U][I][B]Member:[/B][/I][/U] The Ardbeg Committee / [I][B][U]My NEW Photo Album[/U]: [/B][/I][COLOR=purple]Sadly, and with great regret, it seems my extensive and comprehensive album may now have been lost forever![/COLOR]/

  2. #22
    An t-Ileach's Avatar
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    Yes, and Golly was wearing (shock! horror!) jeans (spoken in a hushed whisper) at the end of the programme - but he was wearing the kilt for most of the episode (and the scene at the Christening was full of people properly dressed).

  3. #23
    macwilkin is offline
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    I happened to be watching Season Three on DVD this weekend, and noticed at the Glenbogle Midsummer's Ball that Golly was not wearing a Prince Charlie or some other formal jacket, but his green tweed day jacket, whilst Duncan had a Montrose doublet, complete with jabot! Since then I've been trying to remember if Golly has ever worn formal kit on the show.


  4. #24
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    ...and speaking of Compton Mackenzie and the original stories: you absolutely cannot find them in the US...even in this age of Amazon and Alibris (unless you want to pay out beaucoup bucks for a "vintage" edition)!

    Apparently Penguin Books UK still list the original "Monarch of the Glen" title in it's catalog...only thing is that the shipping is almost as much as the cost of the book. So I was going to place an order for several and give them to friends and family that have become as addicted to "MOTG" as I have...at least that will sort of psychologically defray the expense of the shipping.


    Auld Argonian

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by auld argonian
    ...and speaking of Compton Mackenzie and the original stories: you absolutely cannot find them in the US...even in this age of Amazon and Alibris (unless you want to pay out beaucoup bucks for a "vintage" edition)!

    Apparently Penguin Books UK still list the original "Monarch of the Glen" title in it's catalog...only thing is that the shipping is almost as much as the cost of the book. So I was going to place an order for several and give them to friends and family that have become as addicted to "MOTG" as I have...at least that will sort of psychologically defray the expense of the shipping.


    Auld Argonian
    Try your local public library --they may be able to get a copy via interlibrary loan. I was able to get a copy from another university library here in Missouri via our statewide lending system. I know it's not for keeps, but at least you'll have a chance to read it!

    I would have been remiss as a librarian not to mention this option! ;)



  6. #26
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    At the risk of being lynched ...

    Now, serious stepping out on to a limb here. But I think if a few are honest, my point of view is not unique.

    Here goes .... Monarch "jumped the shark tank" a long, long time ago. "Jumping the shark tank" is an allusion to an episode of Happy Days when the Fonz jumped a shark tank on his motorcycle. It is accepted as the moment when Happy Days went from a successful series to an old and tired series.

    I would say the death toll sounded the moment that Archie choose Lexie over the woman from the bank. It was made louder by the long lost bastard turning up (taking a page from American soap operas) and yet dinned louder, louder and louder with all the other changes: Archie leaving, Duncan working here there and everywhere, Kilwilly castle being taken over by the Narnian White Queen of the North, Lexie falling in love with Paul, do I even need to start with Ewan and who ever Hector's brother is.

    Monarch for the last couple of seasons has been one shark tank full of many, many sharks.

  7. #27
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    It doesn't matter I'd watch it anyway.....Just me thats all Then again you should try television here in Norway
    All the Best.....David.
    Why be part of the crowd Choose a Freelander Sporran
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  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by auld argonian
    ...and speaking of Compton Mackenzie and the original stories: you absolutely cannot find them in the US...even in this age of Amazon and Alibris (unless you want to pay out beaucoup bucks for a "vintage" edition)!

    Apparently Penguin Books UK still list the original "Monarch of the Glen" title in it's catalog...only thing is that the shipping is almost as much as the cost of the book. So I was going to place an order for several and give them to friends and family that have become as addicted to "MOTG" as I have...at least that will sort of psychologically defray the expense of the shipping.


    Auld Argonian
    I have had the same problem. I can order the audio tape of the book, but why would I prefer to listen to someone else read for me, when I am pefectly capable of doing it myself. I will have to try the library.

  9. #29
    macwilkin is offline
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    same here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Freelander Sporrano
    It doesn't matter I'd watch it anyway.....Just me thats all Then again you should try television here in Norway
    I feel the same way about TV here in the states, Freelander! Thank God for BBC America! :mrgreen:



  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freelander Sporrano
    It doesn't matter I'd watch it anyway.....Just me thats all Then again you should try television here in Norway
    I agree David. The series has most definitely gone downhill (or jumped the shark tank), but I still find it more enjoyable than the millions of shows about teenage angst (usually played by people closer to their 30's) or the hundreds of CSI ripoffs on the North American networks these days.

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