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  1. #21
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    OK guys, thanks for all the input, tartan it is! Now, which tartan (although Dee, I did like your vote for the box pleated Donegan!). I have the following, Irish National USAK Casual (great for knocking about, but PV and worn at the hips), Back Watch USAK semi-trad (also very nice, no clan affilitation, but not wool), Scottish National HW (probably my closest to a traditional kilt, and no clan affiliation required!), the SWK HW weathered Lamont (another "very close" to traditional kilt, but much lighter in colors (might get dirty at the games), and I have no info on the clan Lamont, I just liked the colors), or the SWK standard Nightstalker (a cool looking kilt, but far from traditional).

    Now I know that I can wear whatever I like, so the clan comments above are not really an issue for me, but if somebody recognized the Lamont, I would want to at least know something about it. I still have a few days, so I can do some research, and it is the most unusual of my tartan kilts, so what say all of you?

    Oh, and what about shirt and accessories? I am planning on casual, t-shirt or polo pullover, but chime in in black sporran vs. brown, hose, shoes, etc..

    (Dang, this is fun. Are you guys enjoying the "Dress Rob in Highland attire " game?)
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  2. #22
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    I'm wearing black Ecco hiking boots and a Tshirt, as well as a wide-brimmed hat. No belt or sporran, mainly because I don't have them yet. I'll be buying both at the festival. I have a belt on the way from AK, but it doesn't like it will be here by then. I'll most likely be carrying either a camera bag or a camera backpack.

  3. #23
    Southern Breeze's Avatar
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    Okay, I've had time to think about it. Brace yourself, here it comes.

    Wear what goes with the kilt you've chosen to wear.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by KiltedCodeWarrior
    Oh, and what about shirt and accessories? I am planning on casual, t-shirt or polo pullover, but chime in in black sporran vs. brown, hose, shoes, etc..
    OK, enough is enough! Don't you have a wife to help you with these things?
    "Honey, does this sporran go with this kilt?"
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  5. #25
    Mike1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KiltedCodeWarrior
    ...I have no info on the clan Lamont...
    What would you like to know?

    Rule number 1 - It's LAMB-et, damn it! It is not pronounced le-MONT.

    Follow rule number 1 and you'll be safe. Break that rule and you're liable to have a dirk slipped into your ribs.

  6. #26
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    Don't wear the Black Watch. Everybody and their grandmother will have on Black Watch, especially if it's their first Games.

    The Scottish National is a great choice. It's Scottish, folks will recognize it and appreciate it for what it is, and nobody will give you grief about clan affiliations. AND.....it's a great-looking tartan.

  7. #27
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    Mike, the emphasis is in the first syllable, long A and the "N" it not pronounced? So it would sound French when pronounced correctly?

    Or it that a tongue in cheek post?
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  8. #28
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    Alan, I had already come to that same conclusion about the BW. Just checked the weather foreecast and it looks like a beautiful 78 degrees for Saturday and Sunday, so any of the remaining three would work. Still debating myself. The SN and Lemont are probably the most traditional, but I do love my IN from Rocky. Its my favorite knock around kilt.

    And before anybody gets the idea that I am getting overly concerned about this, don't. Just having some good conversation and getting feedback on what others consider appropriate for the Games.
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike1
    What would you like to know?

    Rule number 1 - It's LAMB-et, damn it! It is not pronounced le-MONT.

    Follow rule number 1 and you'll be safe. Break that rule and you're liable to have a dirk slipped into your ribs.
    Pronunciation is so funny. I actually saw a guy on the news the other day that pronounced his name Mac-eye (MacKay) not Mac-eh. I couldn't believe someone actually used the proper pronunciation. The one that also confuses me is Menzies though. Who would have thought it was really Minges.

    Rob, personally I would either wear the PV Black Watch (depending on the weather in your area) or the box pleated tweed kilt. The tweed is not tartan, but will still be a great looking kilt for a Scottish event. I am sure you would get a ton of great comments on that one, especially with a button down shirt and proper hose. Some really good tweed looks:
    Last edited by Colin; 17th May 06 at 08:57 AM.

  10. #30
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    Rob, I'm serious as a heart attack. The 'N' is virtually silent and the emphasis is on the first syllable. LAMB-et. Everyone wants to emphasize the second syllable, hence our standard reply - 'It's LAMB-et, damn it!'

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