24th July 06, 07:17 PM
 Originally Posted by auld argonian
Lately the problem with this is finding anybody old enough to remember Charles Nelson Riley...just not enough old fans of "Love Boat" and "Love American Style" left!
I know him from "The Ghost & Mrs. Muir" which is WAY before "Love Boat"
24th July 06, 07:29 PM
 Originally Posted by Aggie
Last year at an office picknic a gust of wind took his combover and uncombed it. He had 7 inches hanging down the side of his head.
I've seen the ame thing many times... and is exactly why I vowed a very long time ago that I would never resort to a comb over. It just lacks dignity.
24th July 06, 08:10 PM
 Originally Posted by pbpersson
I know him from "The Ghost & Mrs. Muir" which is WAY before "Love Boat" 
I love that movie, I have that movie, I don't think he is IN that movie.
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
24th July 06, 08:13 PM
 Originally Posted by Panache
I love that movie, I have that movie, I don't think he is IN that movie.
That would be the TV series that followed, which I ALSO remember.
This just keeps getting worse!
At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.
24th July 06, 09:27 PM
A Tale of Two Toupees.
Back when I was in the 7th and 8th grade, I had two teachers who both wore hairpieces. The difference was one that one was completely obvious, yet denied it, and the other was impossible to tell yet he was completely open in talking about it.
My history teacher started going bald when he was in his twenties, and decided he was just going to head it off and get a hairpiece before it got too bad. He spent a lot of money, got a custom toupee fitted to his head and the current bald spot, and matched to his natural hair for color and texture. Every few years, or as needed he would spend more money and get a new piece to continue to match his natural hair. You could NOT tell he was wearing a toupee, and yet he had no problem with telling you about it. (we knew, because when we saw him jogging he never wore the toupee so he did not sweat on it)
He just didnt like the way he looked bald, so he got a hairpiece to make him look as he would have, had his natural hair stayed.
By contrast, our vice principle also had a hairpiece, but he was in denial the whole way. It was the cheapest looking, most artificial rug we had ever seen. It looked like it was made from nylon threads and he dyed his natural hair to match. It was ill fitted and we used to catch him in his office moving it around. He looked ridiculous.
I guess the moral of the story is if you dont want to look bald, there are plenty of things you can do about it. Denying that you are losing your hair and trying to take cheap shortcuts arent one of those things however.
25th July 06, 06:43 AM
Just say NO!
[B]Paul Murray[/B]
Kilted in Detroit! Now that's tough.... LOL
25th July 06, 07:13 AM
I guess that when it comes to hairpieces you can look at it two ways.
William Shatner or Trent Lott.
Patrick Stewart has spoken a bit about his various hairpieces...those who saw "I, Claudius" got to see him in his Roman rug and he did "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf" in London for a while and named that toupe "George".
...and let us not forget Allan Brady (The Dick Van Dyke Show)
25th July 06, 07:41 AM
Phil, I agree with you, the No. 2 blade is a magnificent solution to the combover situation. I tried for years to enjoy my blondish tresses to the limit, first the big gap in the back opened up, the next thing I knew an interstate highway opened up through the center.
I admitted defeat, went to the barber shop and got a haircut with the No. 2 blade, it is a wonderful solution, no combing, a quick brush with hand makes me presentable for any occaision, and best of all I am saving at least 50% on shampoo.
Long live the No. 2 blade.
25th July 06, 08:16 AM
Welcome, my brother in bald! I've been shaving my head for 12 years now (and saving $ on shampoo and conditioner I might add) and I wouldn't have it any other way.
24th April 07, 12:18 PM
As an addendum to my original thread about no longer doing combovers, I finally decided last week to no longer do any combing at all. Got out my razor and hair clippers and took it all off. Feels great, and in my opinion doesn't look bad at all.
I need all the ventilation and cooling I can get in warm weather since a large percentage of my sweat glands no longer function. So my wool kilts and hose will now go into hibernation most of the time until autumn, and my Stillwater standards and economies, and my Buzz Kidder canvas will take over.
Hummm . . . no longer need to buy shampoo and combs - start saving that amount towards another kilt.
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