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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Look folks, I have been reading these posts in reply to the original request for advice and I cannot believe the PC cop out that I'm reading. A bully doesn't change because you ignore him, that only encourages him. A bully today is no different than a bully of a thousand years ago.

    As an adolescent I was bullied to a point. My father told me that you cannot walk away from a bully. A bully by his very nature will continue to antagonize someone that walks away, a bully is hiding his insecurity by bullying others and won't stop until he learns that his bullying will not be tolerated.

    My father's advice was to take a baseball bat to the bully after I tried to turn my back on him and it didn't work. Once I introduced him to that bat a few things happened very quickly, first, that bully never bothered me and second the other bullies learned what could happen to them if they attempted to bully myself or my friends again. The name calling stopped and they learned respect.

    I support Andrew's action and I'll bet that the loud mouth won't bother him again and will learn to respect a man in a kilt for the rest of his life.


  2. #22
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    The bullies are afraid that you are going to get more attention than them. However, don't sink down to their level and be a bully. You need to remember that you wear it because you are a Proud Scot. Although I don't agree with violence, but that kid need to learn a lesson.

    Have you talk to your teachers about doing a talk about the kilt and the Scottish culture? It would be a good learning experience.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Welsome Andrew, from another Andrew! Hey, it's a great name to have.

    "Don't tell me. This was probably some guy with his pants halfway down his butt and he had to keep ahold of them or they would fall off.
    If that was the case, remember his fashion choice is influenced by prison wear."

    Bam! There ya go... how many people who run around dressed like that are actually AWARE of the fact that this style of dress did indeed form out of ill-fitting prison clothes? IF the person is aware of that, what on earth is there to be proud of in dressing in such a fashion? There ya go, show the world you are proud of being an indereducated and ignorant thug. Not that I would really phrase it to someone like that in an academic environment, I wouldn't hesitate to point it out on the street... unless I were outnumbered. What can I say, I am brash at times, and live in a pretty ghetto neighborhood. Most people leave me alone, and almost everyone who has ever said anything to me, has done so in humour.

    I would also make sure to point out the fact that the kilt IS a man's garment, has always been a man's garment. If the people giving you a hard time are African-American, point out that there are African tribes that wear unbifurcated garments... there isn't much that one can say back to that... although they might not understand what unbifurcated means. If said people insist that they don't, then merely state that it is sad that you know more about their cultural background than they do. Granted, I am sure not ALL tribes wore MUGs, but if the group you are talking to doesn't know that there are tribes who do, chances are that they probably know little or nothing of their heritage anyway, and can't prove you wrong.

    Also, you might want to be aware of potential kilt lifters... apparently some of the guys have had issues with ladies trying to sneak a peek... then again, if you are single, this could easily work in your favour.

    In theory there should be a fair amount of Scottish descended people in the southern states...
    My dad's side of the family are partly Scottish/Scot's descendants, and the bulk of them are from Arkansas.
    Last edited by Andrew Green; 20th September 06 at 01:55 AM.

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    kilt Advice

    Andrew,it always takes courage to do something that no one else seems to be doing. When you wear your kilt you are always going to attract attention, such is the allure of the kilt. I think what you have got to realise is that some people would never wear the kilt, it would be a funny world if we all did the same thing. Its possible that the people who want to pass derogatory comments about you in your kilt could well be that type of individuals that do not see the kilt as manly attire.Even in Scotland we have individuals who love to poke fun at kilt wearers, it goes with the territory.

    I think what you have to keep in mind is that the kilt is a superb dress for a male, everyone who wears it looks good and the admirers greatly outnumber the detractors. Another view is that the ones who criticise kilt wearers are really closet kilties but do not have the guts to wear it, they know that you look great and sexy in your kilt and they would love to be in your position.

    So don't be discouraged, keep on wearing your kilt at school and elsewhere, it will soon become second nature to you and you will become immune to any negative remarks.

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    3389 Schuylkill Rd, Spring City, PA 19475
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    I think a lot of good advice is given here, but we all have to remember... we're not dealing with "grown up" logic... these are high school kids trying to get a rise out of him.

    Some retorts to the single word comment "F@gg0T":
    "No, I'm not a F@gg0t, I'm just expressing my culture. What? Are you ASHAMED of YOUR culture?"

    "You DO know the 'style' of wearing baggy clothes came from prison uniforms that didn't fit, right? So you're heros are rapists and child molestors... THAT's cool (said with extreme sarcasm)."

    (to someone who screamed it from a group) "I'm not the one trying to impress a bunch of guys, now am I?"

    (to someone who screamed it from a group) "I'm not the one hanging out with a bunch of guys..."

    "Actually, your mom/girlfriend thinks I'm hot" or "that's not what your mom/girlfriend said"

    While the last one is juvenile, it is a deeply cutting insult to some.

    The BEST advice is to continue walking or just give them an evil grin and ignore them.

    I also agree with Steve... the BEST way to shut them up is to be a lady's man. The kilt will DEFINITELY give you an edge in this department, so USE IT!

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Hi Andrew and WELCOME!

    Much good wisdom has been given here I hope you found it helpful. To this I would add --Be sure you are properly kited out, wear a sporran as it does make the kult connection in the eyes of the uninformed. If you don't have one may I recommend the nylon cargo sporran at www.stillwaterkilts.com it is an extremely servicable item that won't break the bank. For more dressedup times look to a leather one. There's lots of good information on how to wear the kilt within the forum do take time and browse.

    About the bully the purest form of insult a individual like that can recieve is to ignore him! Don't give him the time of day that will deflate him quicker that any thing you could say. One more thing: I've heard it said and I think it's good advice "Never start a fight, but be sure you finish it.

    Andrew the best assesory to the kilt is standing tall and being confident. I think you'll do well.

    May all your blessings be the ones you want and your friends many and true.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by KiltedKnight View Post
    Look folks, I have been reading these posts in reply to the original request for advice and I cannot believe the PC cop out that I'm reading. A bully doesn't change because you ignore him, that only encourages him. A bully today is no different than a bully of a thousand years ago.

    As an adolescent I was bullied to a point. My father told me that you cannot walk away from a bully. A bully by his very nature will continue to antagonize someone that walks away, a bully is hiding his insecurity by bullying others and won't stop until he learns that his bullying will not be tolerated.

    My father's advice was to take a baseball bat to the bully after I tried to turn my back on him and it didn't work. Once I introduced him to that bat a few things happened very quickly, first, that bully never bothered me and second the other bullies learned what could happen to them if they attempted to bully myself or my friends again. The name calling stopped and they learned respect.

    I support Andrew's action and I'll bet that the loud mouth won't bother him again and will learn to respect a man in a kilt for the rest of his life.

    Have to agree somewhat with Chris. Comebacks and ignoring the source will more than likely work unless you are dealing with a bully. Even so, you will have to be ready to defend yourself physically when using comebacks because as you probably already know, when the adolescent insulter feels he has been "dissed" and he does not have a comeback things will escalate to the physical very rapidly. My similar experience (back in the day) happened in junior high when I had to wear glasses. Regardless that I was the same guy and still bigger and stronger than most in my class, I became a 'target'. Fortunately in my day I was able to 'adjust their attitudes' with little more consequence than detention. As you have already found out the consequences of getting physical are more severe today.
    The fact that you are concerned about being suspended indicates you care about your education. Unfortunately, those that are going to instigate a confrontation with you probably do not, and see a suspension as a 'badge of honor' among their circle of idiots. Also, the fact that in this politically correct age most schools have a policy that it doesn't matter who starts an altercation. Both students get suspended unless it can be shown that one didn't fight back at all. My advise is size up the situation before opening your mouth. Expect the worst when you do and lastly..hit the gym.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by GatorUK View Post
    Both students get suspended unless it can be shown that one didn't fight back at all.
    That really chaps my butt. One is expected to just stand there and get beaten and not defend themselves hoping someone in authority will arrive before too much damage is done. It's utter nonsense. If you can escape, fine, but too often a bully makes sure you're cornered, it's part of the strategy of intimidation. I'm a firm believer in a foot to the jewels and walk away while he's down.

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    I have been following this thread with some amusement. In today's society, we get offended far too much. This chaps words to you were meant to get a rise, and he paid the price for obtaining it. While I would not personally resolve to violence over words, words can hurt. I find it much more entertaining to show the level of ignorance of the accuser. For example,

    Him: hey are your a ******, or something?
    Me: Hmmmm, I did not think I looked like a large bundle of sticks.
    Him: No, I mean are you gay?
    Me: Well, I tend to be quite happy most of the time....

    Once you get them off of the game, the onlookers often realize that you are dealing with a dolt and an ignoramus. It is much more amusing to see the rest of the crowd laugh at him and takes the focus off of the situation.

    Anyway, once you strap on the kilt, you are going against most of societies norms. You should always be ready with a witty response.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    First of all welcome from Laurens, SC. I have to kinda go the direction of most of the crowd here. I don't believe viloence to be the answer most of the time. I was told by my father years ago that he had better not hear of me starting a fight but I had better end it if someone ever hit me. Now I don't believe starting means being called names but physically struck. I am a very large man, and have been my whole life, I have never been called a ****** for wearing my kilt but I have been called fat my whole life. I would never retaliae unless some one hit me( and that was very, very few times) Most people don't want to get into a fight just get a rise out of you or try to impress others to try to gain some self confidence. Andrew don't stop wearing your kilt, walk tall, walk proud, don't let those simple minded few discourage you. This has worked for me for 29 years, but it helps to have a little selfconfidence.


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