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View Poll Results: Which of the following best describes you...?

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  • I buy only custom made kilts. High quality is more important than quantity.

    21 23.86%
  • I buy mostly custom kilts, but have a couple of cheapies for roughing about.

    27 30.68%
  • I buy both mass produced and custom kilts in roughly equal numbers.

    21 23.86%
  • I buy mostly cheapies, but have one or two custom kilts for formal occasions.

    14 15.91%
  • I buy only budget type kilts. I prefer to buy lots of low price imports.

    5 5.68%
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  1. #21
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    Hey Blu

    My interpretation of a "custom" kilt is any kilt where I specify tartan, waist, hip, and length measurements - then the kilt is sewn. Not how it is sewn (hand or machine) or material used. Am I thinking right here?

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blu (Ontario)
    No....no.... the comparison is really between between the mass produced kilts and the custom made kilts - regardless of style.

    Jeepers Alan... I think I may have gotten myself into trouble with my less than precise language.....


    Hmm, in that case, maybe the questions you wanted to ask is are the kilts you buy hand-tailored, machine sewn, off-the-rack, or do you make your own? Or something to that effect. Anyway, Blu, its an interesting thread, and isn't that really what matters?

    Best regards,

    [B]Less talk, more monkey![/B]

  3. #23
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    The price of custom handsewn kilts IS outrageous.
    Nah...come on!

    Think of the time and skill it takes to make a made to measure kilt, add the cost of good quality worsted wool, skillfuly woven to whatever tartan.

    Calling the price of handsewn kilts outrageous must hurt those who make them.

    Quality and craftmanship have a price tag...no snobbery involved.

    The day everything comes out of a machine...will be a very sad day

  4. #24
    Bob C's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robin
    Nah...come on!

    Think of the time and skill it takes to make a made to measure kilt, add the cost of good quality worsted wool, skillfuly woven to whatever tartan.

    Calling the price of handsewn kilts outrageous must hurt those who make them.

    Quality and craftmanship have a price tag...no snobbery involved.

    The day everything comes out of a machine...will be a very sad day
    To be fair, the ridiculous price is not entirely the fault of kliltmakers. As you point out, the tartan weavers are complicit, too. The cost of the materials to the kiltmakers is inflated far beyond actual value.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdcorlis
    Hey Blu

    My interpretation of a "custom" kilt is any kilt where I specify tartan, waist, hip, and length measurements - then the kilt is sewn. Not how it is sewn (hand or machine) or material used. Am I thinking right here?
    Yep.... traditional or modern - your choice....

    ergo: custom = not mass produced.


  6. #26
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    @ Bob C.

    Kiltmakers don't drive Rolls Royces or Daimlers and tartans (8000+) are woven in small batches...it takes skill and time to get a loom working.

    We cheerfuly disagree

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robin
    @ Bob C.

    Kiltmakers don't drive Rolls Royces or Daimlers and tartans (8000+) are woven in small batches...it takes skill and time to get a loom working.

    We cheerfuly disagree
    Always cheerfully, Robin. Always.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

  8. #28
    Panache's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdcorlis
    Hey Blu

    My interpretation of a "custom" kilt is any kilt where I specify tartan, waist, hip, and length measurements - then the kilt is sewn. Not how it is sewn (hand or machine) or material used. Am I thinking right here?

    That sounds like a good definition to me. Blu, perhaps instead of "Cheap" vs. "Expensive" it should be "Mass produced" vs. "Custom" (Blu in your poll you refer to "Cheapies" and "Budget" kilts)

    Mass Produced: Utilikilts, Sport Kilts, Stillwaters, Amerikilts, etc.

    Custom: Matt Newsome, Freedom Kilts, Kathy Lare, etc.

    Companies that do both: USA Kilts (you difficult people! )

    Here's my two cents...

    From everything that I have read on X marks, the expectation is that a custom kilt will most often (but not always) be a quality product. The mass produced kilts will have varying quality dependant (though not always) on the company. Good customer service service is not always hand in hand with custom kilts, poor customer service is not hand in hand with mass produced.

    Very few of us have had the opportunity to sample the wares of all the kilt vendors out there. Heck, very few of us have had the opportunity to sample even all the X Marks the Scot vendors. I've enjoyed reading and participating in your polls Blu. But I wonder how many of the staunch traditional kilt wearers have actually tried a modern variant? How many proud modern kilt wearers have tried a traditional? The same with mass produced vs. custom. I tried a modern utilikilt and liked it. I've tried a cheap mass produced traditional kilt and ultimately been disappointed. I've had quality mass produced kilts and been delighted. Finally I have had a custom which I dearly love.

    If money isn't a factor, nothing is going to beat a custom tailored garment. Be it a pair of trousers,a hat, shoes, socks, or a kilt (be it Modern of traditional).

    That fact is, for most of us money is a factor. I won't waste my money on a poor quality product. But I would much rather have a lot of kilt options to wear instead of only one or two top of the line 8 yard "tanks". If I did, for fear of damaging them, I would only wear them for special ocassions (kind of like they do in Scotland)

    Last edited by Panache; 13th November 06 at 02:08 PM.
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    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

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  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robin
    I don't think a custom handmade kilt is "outrageous" I highly appreciate the craftmanship, the quality of the used materials and the final result.
    Yes, they're expensive, but worth every penny. I'm not rich, but I'm willing to wait and save my pocket money for those real beauties.

    Quality over quantity for me
    The actual manufacturing cost is not outrageous, but the raw materials are. Most tartan fabric used in kilts cost (retail) about $60-70 a yard. While I realize that kilt makers can probably get it is cheaper lots, it is still a hefty part of the finished kilt. Most other fabrics can be bought for under $10 a yard (and twil, denim for under $5.00 at times). Small lots of tartan or not, there really is no good reason for the cost of the fabric.

    As for my answer to the poll, I wear mostly off the rack (i.e. not custom, but still all my kilts have been very well made, not just junk), and that was the way I was before kilts as well. I have a couple of custom made kilts (tartan) that are for nice occasions, just like I had a good suit before. Daily wear, I wear a UK or SWK, just like I used to wear jeans or khakis before. I'm still happy with the construction of the UK and SWK, but they don't "fit like a glove".


  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache
    .... (Blu in your poll you refer to "Cheapies" and "Budget" kilts)
    Admittedly, a poor choice of words.

    ... From everything that I have read on X marks, the expectation is that a custom kilt will most often (but not always) be a quality product. The mass produced kilts will have varying quality dependant (though not always) on the company. Good customer service service is not always hand in hand with custom kilts, poor customer service is not hand in hand with mass produced.
    Good point.

    ... I should emphasize that the poll wording was not intended to taint the choices with judgemental language, but it seems to come off that way.

    ... That fact is, for most of us money is a factor. I won't waste my money on a poor quality product. But I would much rather have a lot of kilt options to wear instead of only one or two top of the line 8 yard "tanks". If I did, for fear of damaging them, I would only wear them for special ocassions (kind of like they do in Scotland)
    Thay all have a place.... but each of us tends to place more importance on one over the other to varying degrees.


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