I'd suggest that you take your girlfriend's mother to the next Highland Games and let her ask all those guys in "dresses" tossing cabers and great, huge, nasty, heavy weights about their "dresses".
For the life of me....I just don't think that anybody is that uninformed that they can't recognize a kilt when they see one and all they're trying to do is needle the kilt wearer by calling it a skirt or a dress...don't take the bait.
Welcome Levi. I found your other thread first. What are your measurements. There might be someone around who's looking to off load a nice kilt for a good price.
I've also just started down the kilted path (having ordered, but not yet received my first kilt). I can already see ahead of me the financially daunting world of kilts. Even getting enough to just start wearing them properly can be expensive. However in the last couple weeks I have discovered an entire new world of history and heritage (and fashion!) that I never payed any attention to. That's a great thing.
While my order is for a traditional 'tank' I would like something for more day-to-day use to help build a wardrobe .. so I'm currently on the fringe of buying one of SWKs acrylics. The quality appears to be decent and the price is right ($40-80). Couple that with a basic leather sporran and belt, and good to go.
Welcome from another newbie from England of just a few days. People here are friendly and helpful, and there is a lot of real information to be had just for the asking.