Wow! so many replies so fast!
well, I just wanted to give a little shout out. I don't know about you guys but when breaking rules (visiting unauthorized websites [that had to be internally pingged to get around a proxy blocker]) I just feel like I need to let others know.
My Economics teacher actually caught me though, he is cool, he is about 30 and an extremely biased Mac user, (where as I am a strictly PC) He was simply amazed that I could break any proxy blocker the school could put on with a simple command line. so, no trouble to come of it. though he called me gay for looking at a "woman's skirt forum". Man I pulled out the Mac PC insults...
anywho, I'm home now, and back in my Stillwater Irish national ready to do some smithing work on a set of practice fighting swords for a friend.
[SIZE="1"]"It's the job thats never started that takes the longest to finish. Thats what my old Gaffer used to say." - Samwise Gamgie, J.R.R. Tolkein[/SIZE]