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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Scott, that's great news! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robinhood View Post
    I work on computers for a living. I do offer that service for free,
    to those I wish. Others owe me a favor or cash, depending on
    their circumstance and my desire. (Some cannot offer enough
    cash. Some who can, I refuse to accept. Some who can, I will
    not even deal with.)
    I definitely respect position and train of thought regarding not wanting to charge a military funeral, but bills do have to be paid. I work with computers too but i wouldn't go out and buy someone a new computer out of my own pocket. The bagpipes, training, kilt, accessories all cost money and if you have a trade that will help pay for those I think that's awesome. Military personell fought for our rights, which does include capitalism. But again, I do respect your views and you have some great beliefs. We are all entitled to live life the way we desire.

  3. #23
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    although I dont feel I need to defend my position let me tell you my situation.

    last march (06) we decided that for me to go to school we'd need some support as far as babysitting ect. well I made some calls set up some jobs , housing ect. and we moved.

    wel the jobs fell through, my family member who was going to rent us her house decided that she didnt want to move out yet.
    so there we were living at my parents house( oh and we found out Gavin was on his way) trying to find jobs in a hurry and try to get our own place.
    we've been scraping by for the last year I've been working the fire Dept. on a reserve basis,(read part time) working a EMT/security job 140 miles RT, and basicly trying to make $$ any way I can to get us ahead.

    till Vinnie said that I should do Funeral gigs I didnt even think about that as an income source because I pretty much turned down the funeral director the day she talked to us...I didnt think I was good enough.

    I would LOVE to be able to not charge for Military services, but right now it isnt feesable(sp?) because I need to find a baby sitter, DRIVE there and back, and work my schedule to make it happen( I work a 12 hour shift tonight 5p-5a and the funeral is in the afternoon (2p) so when I get home at 06:30 I will get about 2 hours sleep wake up with the kids get them fed and clothed and ready for the baby sitter who will watch them from 12:30 to 6:00 and then get to the cemetary an hour early to make sure all the duck are lined up as to where and when I wil play and so on ...

    please believe me when I say that I have great respect for our armed services, I have 3 close friends who are in the present conflict that I will not see for the next 2 years 2 are in the sandbox, and one is in the hills ( Iraq, and afganistan respectivly ) there will come a day ( and hopefully VERY soon ) that it wont be an issue and I will say NO CHARGE and if they were to give me a tip anyways I would send it to a charity to help someone else out

    but right now I cant.....

    Irish diplomacy: is telling a man to go to he)) in such a way that he looks forward to the trip!

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    I hope you don't mind me weighing in on the topic of getting paid for providing music. I've been a pastoral musician for more years than many of our members have been alive. There has always been a resistance to paying for music in a setting such as this, but it's a professional service just like the Mortician, the Minister or the driver of the hearse. A professional service provider deserves to be compensated for his or her contribution. If the musician (or minister or mortician) chooses to return payment or make some other contribution to the cause that's their business. If a musician works for free that's exactly the value the community will place on them.

    Off my soap-box now.

    "back on target", my condolances once again KFP. I'm sure you did your Mother proud. I have done music at the funerals of family members. Although I was pleased and proud to do it it always cost me the opportunity to fully grieve with the rest of the family. I hope that wasn't the case for you. And if this experience leads you to a way to suppliment your income then maybe that's some kind of karma showing that you have something to contribute to the deceased and the grieving.

    Quondo Omni Flunkus Moritati

  5. #25
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    As a veteran, I can say that the workman is worthy of his hire, and I'd certainly hope that one who made the effort to be present for my funeral would get paid his standard funeral rate.

    I served for my own reasons, many and varried. I never expected anything from anyone because I made the choice to serve.

  6. #26
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    Have you also looked into advertising for your services? Plenty of Pipers out there for hire.

    The piper for my wedding is a friend, but he's also a professional. Originally from Ireland and now in Dallas. He charged $300 for the first hour, $150 each additional 1/2 hour, plus $50 travel fee to gigs more than 30 miles from his home. He's also the pipe major for the North Texas Caledonian Pipe & Drum Band, and gives lessons from his house. Had a sound proof booth put into his house to keep the neighbors at bay. Awesome looking.

    I know people charge differently but that sounded more than reasonable to me for good sounding pipes and my wife agreed. Here's Don's page www.scottishpiper.com The web address is even in big bold lettering across the back window of his Land Rover. Just some ideas.

    Also he had some glossy cards printed up. Think 3"x8" or so advertising cards. Pretty picture on the front, details on the back. They are on display at local funeral homes all across Dallas.

    He plays Burn's nights all over and anytime people call. To go as a piper full time, he definitely pays the bills. He loves talking to other pipers as well. He might have some tips for you.

  7. #27
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    Well I can now put Don a little higher on my list.

    Excerpt from Bagpiper.com
    Pipe Major Don Shannon, a native of Northern Ireland, has been piping for over 35 years. In the UK, Don served as Pipe Major of an award winning band, participating in numerous competitions in Northern Ireland, England and Scotland, including the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association World Championships. Don has performed for many V.I.P.'s and numerous members of the Royal Family including Her Majesty the Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Prince Andrew and the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Tony Blair.
    Anyways, I think starting small and building up people's confidence in your presentation will bring nothing but good things. I wish you luck!

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Scott, I will just respond by saying that everybody pays for every other part of the funeral process, so a piper should not be any different. It would be a wonder and a miracle if there were enough pipers who had incomes that let them volunteer their piping for funerals, or enough donations to let pipers do so. However, the reality is that piping takes many years of training and practice with an expensive instrument.

    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    anyone involved in a Military Color Guard?
    advice on how things are done, protocols, ect would be helpful
    I'm a member of one, albeit Canadian, as a piper. I also work frequently with several of the local American Legion honor guards. I've also worked for funeral homes before (not as a piper) and have a pretty clear idea of how funeral director's minds work and what their expectations are. Should you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

    I charge, same as any funeral director, officiant, limo company, florist, and everyone else associated with a funeral (or wedding, or whatever), that's why there are death benefits. I take an extremely dim view of dilettantes who sanctimoniously infer that I'm somehow doing something dishonorable for trying to earn a meager living, while by doing so many freebies they give folks the impression that pipers aren't worth paying for; directly or otherwise in a very real sense stealing money out of my pocket!

    Yeah; it's a particular pet peeve of mine.

    I piped a military memorial service Wednesday, and have two ceremonial gigs contracted for Memorial Day, all paid at my full price. The veterans organization I was performing for this week was very pleased with what they got for their money, and the two for Memorial Day are repeat customers so I assume the same holds true for them as well.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiltedfirepiper View Post
    well at my grandfathers funeral, they played taps right when they lifted the flag off the coffin, when tapps was done I started playing amazing grace while they folded the flag, and completed AG when they handed the flag to my grandmother.......it worked out well but I understand that the NCO is the HMFIC so I'll follow his lead thanks for the info
    It's a casket, not a coffin. Good job though, concerning your newfound source of enjoyment/moolah.

    Quote Originally Posted by PiobBear View Post
    I charge, same as any funeral director, officiant, limo company, florist, and everyone else associated with a funeral (or wedding, or whatever), that's why there are death benefits. I take an extremely dim view of dilettantes who sanctimoniously infer that I'm somehow doing something dishonorable for trying to earn a meager living, while by doing so many freebies they give folks the impression that pipers aren't worth paying for; directly or otherwise in a very real sense stealing money out of my pocket!

    Yeah; it's a particular pet peeve of mine.
    Here here, thanks for saying that. A lot of people expect to get a discount because they're grieving. Sorry folks, it doesn't work that way.

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