23rd July 07, 08:15 PM
I don't know a lot about diabetes or bi-polar but the guys have given some great advice, and you know you have some good friends.
We are so lucky to have this website where we can talk about kilt related subjects and I have noticed a few times when people are feeling low they can express their feelings and always get positive moral support and sometimes more, from fellow xmark members.
23rd July 07, 09:53 PM
I have a couple of friends who are diabetics. I didn't even know for a long time until they told me.
When I'm feeling down I listen to really depressing music. I recommend "Lemmings" by Van Der Graaf Generator. The "B" side is "A Plague of Lighthouse Keepers".
It's so desperately depressing that I end of laughing thinking nothing can be THAT bad!
But really -- diabetes is manageable. I'm sure you'll be fine.
23rd July 07, 11:14 PM
As has been said, diet & excersise. We have a number of diabetics in the family, & all are doing fine. My bro-in-law has it pretty bad, & is a healthy 60yr old party animal. Hell, he still goes to raves!
24th July 07, 05:10 AM
Thanks everyone! I needed that! I need to tell my friends here, that I'm not going to drop dead next week, at least not from the Diabetes. I think that it just caught me off guard, heck how could it not. All your kind responses have made me feel loads better. I REALLY appreciate it!
24th July 07, 07:32 AM
First off, *Hugs*.
Second, these guys have given you great advice.
It's not going to wreck your life and it really can be the kick up the butt you need.
I recently got diagnosed with celiac disease and I had to radically alter my diet.
At first I hated not being able to eat my favourite things.
But after a few weeks of a new diet and working out I felt a million times better than I ever had.
You're going to be just fine. And everyone here will support you.
24th July 07, 07:57 AM
 Originally Posted by Arlen
First off, *Hugs*.
You're going to be just fine. And everyone here will support you.
So there you go.
Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
Listen to kpcw.org
Every other Saturday 1-4 PM
24th July 07, 09:22 AM
Take five more minutes to wollow in self pity and than snap out of it!!! Right now I am watching one friend deal with their 7 year old son's second bout with cancer, another friend watching his 1 month old daughter gain enough weight to reach 5.5 lbs so that she can have heart surgery, and two small kids who just lost their mother and grandmother within a year to cancer.
Diabetes is a manageable condition these days and can be helped with diet exercise and responsible decisions. You're a kilt wearer man, stand up and take change. You'll be fine, you're too strong to give in. Listen to your doctor and follow his/her direction.
24th July 07, 11:45 AM
It is certainly a shock, Beuth Sim. There is a lot of diabetes in my family (brother, mother, niece), and I just spent a week visiting my brother and watching his 10 year old daughter manage her diabetes. If she can do it, so can you. Diabetes is not the death sentence it was 100 years ago. It will take a while to get used to, but follow your doctor's advice and you will do fine. We are all here for you .
"Touch not the cat bot a glove."
24th July 07, 05:41 PM
I feel your pain....
I too am diabetic - type 2 but controlled by diet and minimal pills. I was 528 when I was taken to the hospital after a collapse at work.
I still read 100-120 in the morning (OK, I know this seems high to some of you) but this seems to be my 'level' reading. I exercise and watch what I eat and I am healthier now than I was three years ago.
Just by exercise and diet, you will feel better and need less meds. I take about 1/2 of what I did in the beginning.
If you need to chat about it, you can PM me anytime.
Hang in there,
"There's no such thing as magical ponies!"
Statement made by pink winged pony
with crossed axes tattooed on her rump
25th July 07, 10:30 AM
Weight Watchers
Let me be the third person to recommend Weight Watchers. My wife and I started a year ago. I lost 50 pounds in 25 weeks and I've kept it off. It is the most common sense approach I've seen to weight loss. Understand also that you may not be able to safely exercise alot right from the start, but start with what you can do, walking is great. I didn't start exercising seriously until I had lost 35-40 pounds. Now I run three times a week and I'm in better shape than I've been in twenty years. It is a life style change but you can do it. I hope you're on meds for the bi-polar, you need to keep a positive attitude. Don't worry about the minor set backs that will occur, just keep at it. I'm not diabetic, but it runs in my family. Hopefully I made the change in time to ward it off. I stole this from Weight Watchers, but remember.......nothing tastes as good as thin feels. Good Luck to you. PM me if you need anymore info on Weight Watchers.
"The opposite of faith is not doubt. Doubt is central to faith. The opposite of faith is certainty."
Ken Burns
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