17th August 07, 07:25 AM
Regarding exercise, resistance (weight) training is very important, especially as we get older. Very simply, muscle burns calories at rest, more muscle burns more calories at rest.
One of the main reason dieting doesn't work is when someone goes on a calorie restricted diet, they lose fat and lean muscle mass. When they drop the diet and gain the weight back, they're actually fatter at the same weight.
I highly recommend anyone concerned with fitness to view this website:
It's like Fitness for Dummies and makes it easy to wade through all the garbage information that's out there.
17th August 07, 08:12 AM
 Originally Posted by DrewO
It's like Fitness for Dummies and makes it easy to wade through all the garbage information that's out there.
Actually, there is a Fitness for Dummies book, in case anyone wants to check it out.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
17th August 07, 08:32 AM
Well, for what it's worth, I went from this...

To this...

And am now in really good shape and about to start Scottish Heavy Athletics at this...

The secret?
Not having Pizza/Chinese takeaway/Chips etc for dinner EVERY NIGHT.
Now I do work out a lot, but I didn't to lose the weight, just to get more muscular and strong.
As for motivation?
17th August 07, 08:56 AM
Motivation is a huge part of it. All the knowledge about food and exercise in the world is useless if you don't actually put that knowledge into practice.
17th August 07, 09:34 AM
Arlen, Indeed, as ChromeScholar stated, motivation is a big part of it. And, congrats on all the work.. you look great now!
I'd show pics of my before weight, but I never found a wide-angle lens that would get all of me in the pic
Last edited by ardchoille; 17th August 07 at 09:51 AM.
17th August 07, 09:43 AM
 Originally Posted by davedove
Spicy foods can cause heartburn, but they are certainly not the only cause. For some people it can be triggered by acidic foods, fatty foods, even chocolate. Now, if there is already a problem, the spicy foods will certainly make it worse. And, of course, some people just go overboard with the heat.
I have also read studies where spicy foods can increase metabolism, a good thing if you're trying to burn calories. But then, I've also read that they can spark appetite, so maybe these two effects balance out.
Everything else you said though is right on the mark. Unfortunately, some of us know all the facts, but just can't seem to put it into practice. 
well... while some will say that spicy foods cause heartburn... and some say it doesn't.... one thing I have seen is that if you have heartburn... adding more food of ANY type will increase it.. that's because you're already producing to much stomach acid and adding food makes your body think it needs to produce more.
Capsaicin (the spicy chemical in peppers) has even been shown to help fight ulcers and repair damage to the stomach..
They also raise the metabolism and help burn calories... as far as increasing appetite.. maybe it's because foods taste so much better with a nice spicy kick 
The main thing to all of this is... anything in excess can be bad for you... moderation is the key to life..
17th August 07, 09:45 AM
ya did good Arlen... keep up the hard work....
17th August 07, 10:09 AM
moderation is the key to life
"Anything worth doing is worth overdoing. Moderation is for monks." Lazarus Long
17th August 07, 10:31 AM
With regard to diet, I've found that an Asian diet is very effective for losing weight. This doesn't mean the stuff you buy at a restaurant. I'm the cook in our house - well, when I'm at my house - and I tend to make stir fries. I have specialty that I used to make every week on Sunday and eat it all week. Worked for me as a single guy, but doesn't fly with my fiance. I still cook stir fries, but I've had to expand. If you search around a bit, you will find some great tasting and super easy recipes online. All you need is a wok - prefer electric - and a rice cooker for ease, or just a pot to boil it in. I use boneless chicken breasts or some type of seafood. Green peppers, red peppers, and onions are the staple ingredients in almost all of my cooking. Now I'm fighting the Battle of the Bulge in Iraq with no fresh fruits or veggies and high fat meals. This translates to a lot more mileage on the treadmill. Running 5 miles a day with a stress fracture sucks!
I'm a well rounded guy - English motorcycles, Irish brew, and Scottish clothes and music.
17th August 07, 11:02 AM
Thanks for the congrats.
It's totally possible to get in good shape without having to go through lists of food and all of that stuff.
The way I personally found easiest was this.
How hungry are you on a scale of 1-10, 10 being a wee bit and 1 being about to faint from hunger. Anything less than 5 and you can have a meal.
The no S diet. No sweet snacks unless it is a Saturday, Sunday or Special day.
Meals should be 2/3 veggies, A piece of meat no bigger than a deck of cards and whatever else (IE rice or cous cous or mashed potatoes.)
Use that idea even if you're making a stir fry or stew or anything like that.
It really worked for me and it was pretty easy to remember without too much faffing about.
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