View Poll Results: When do you visit Xmarks?
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26th March 08, 02:15 PM
Wow, good thing I don't have to make a living being a pollster. Very interesting thread anyhow, I believe. I chose all three... heck, any time I have internet access I will check it. I, being a creature of habit, check the same handful of sites faithfully.
26th March 08, 05:07 PM
I didn;t change the statistical distribution because I clicked all three. With over 600 posts a day you can't do it all at once.
Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)
Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.
26th March 08, 05:26 PM
Once or twice in the evenings. On weekends it could be anytime. At work I try to limit my visits to sites not related to company business.
26th March 08, 05:33 PM
5 am. get dressed and check xmarks.
4 pm get home and check x marks
5 pm get changed into civvies and check x marks.
6 pm checkagain just before dinner
7 pm check again before Family Guy
8 pm nothing worth watching on tv, check x marks
9 pm. check before going to bed.
1 am can't sleep, check x marks and ebay.
restart day a 5 am. get dressed and check x marks.
This is worse than drugs.
26th March 08, 06:32 PM
I'm up at 5AM.Start coffee-click on internet-click on TV an tune to Headline news.(Don't ya just love that gal?) Pour first cup of coffee an if theres no news that world war three has started,check out xmarks.
Pour second cup an check e-mail.If no notice i'm being audited by IRS,or someone has hacked into my bank account an cleaned me out,i go back an recheck xmarks.
Click off internet-pour third cup an think about going to work.
NAWWW Looks like rain.
Go back to xmarks an see if theres something new in kilts i might be interested in.
Do we need help or what???
26th March 08, 10:27 PM
For me, checking at work is out of the question (I just worked two 12 and a half hour days, with no break, in a row). So of course, instead of sleeping, here I am checking X-Marks. Mostly, I check in the late evening after the kids are in bed, and whenever I can kick Panache off long enough! 
Be well,
26th March 08, 11:44 PM
After work and late in the evening are the same thing for me (I usually get home around 2am). That's when I check it, for the most part.
27th March 08, 06:52 AM
During the day at "Work". (I must be working now!! What I'm doing here!!)
Proud owner of a "[B]X Marks The Scot Clan Crest Badge[/B]".
And if a [B]X[/B] mark the Scot, put an [B]X[/B] on yourself and you are done! [SIZE="1"]
[I](Talking about not being Scottish and wearing the Kilt)[/I][/SIZE]
27th March 08, 07:01 AM
I work evenings , so I check in when i wake up around 10 or 11 in the morning and again 11 at night. Yea, I know I need a life.
28th March 08, 04:02 AM
I like checking though the day.
His Noble Excellency Ryan the Innocent of Waldenshire under Throcket
Free Your Legs!
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