Bubble and squeek can only be made from the leftovers from dinner the previous day which have laid in a cold place to mature.
Take mashed potatoes - mashed with butter and cream, of course.
Mix in any green vegetable - peas, sprouts or green beans, whatever there is - you may wish to chop the larger vegetables.
Heat up a griddle or frying pan and melt some lard, or rub over with a piece of suet or other fat, then either fry ladles full of the mixture individually or the whole lot, pressed down flat. When the underside is golden brown turn them over. The individual ones can be done with a fish slice, but the big one has to be slid onto a plate and flipped over.
Bangers and mash can be served with the sausages forming a circle around the mash, which is shaped into a volcanic crater and filled with onion gravy, or a whole onion which has been placed in a stock pot and simmered until it is tender. Sauce than then be applied to the sausages if required without getting involved with the gravy.
I presume to dictate to no man what he shall eat or drink or wherewithal he shall be clothed."
-- The Hon. Stuart Ruaidri Erskine, The Kilt & How to Wear It, 1901.